CbzShopify is a modern PHP library based on Guzzle for Shopify.
- PHP: ^7.3
- Guzzle Services: ^1.2
- Laminas Diactoros: ^2.6
Installation of CbzShopify is only officially supported using Composer:
composer require 'codebyzach/cbz-shopify'
CbzShopify provides a one-to-one mapping with API methods defined in Shopify doc. Since version 4, it also supports a basic integration with the new GraphQL admin API.
In order to use CbzShopify as a private app, you must first instantiate the client:
$shopify_client = new ShopifyClient([
'private_app' => true,
'api_key' => 'YOUR_API_KEY',
'password' => 'YOUR_PASSWORD',
'shop' => 'domain.myshopify.com',
'version' => '2021-07'
Make sure to always include a version. More info about Shopify versioning
When using a public app, you instantiate the client a bit differently:
$shopify_client = new ShopifyClient([
'private_app' => false,
'api_key' => 'YOUR_API_KEY', // In public app, this is the app ID
'access_token' => 'MERCHANT_TOKEN',
'shop' => 'merchant.myshopify.com',
'version' => '2021-07'
Make sure to always include a version. More info about Shopify versioning
CbzShopify also provides built-in container-interop factories
that you can use. You must make sure that your container contains a service called "config" that is an array with a key
containing the required config:
// myconfig.php
return [
'cbz_shopify' => [
'private_app' => false,
'api_key' => 'YOUR_API_KEY', // In public app, this is the app ID
'access_token' => 'MERCHANT_TOKEN',
'shop' => 'merchant.myshopify.com',
If you're using Zend\ServiceManager 3, you can use Zend\ComponentInstaller to register our factories into Zend\ServiceManager automatically.
However if you're using other framework or other container, you can still manually register our factories, they are under src/Container folder.
CbzShopify client provides an easy way to validate an incoming request to make sure it comes from Shopify through the RequestValidator
object. It requires a PSR7 requests and a shared secret:
use CbzShopify\Exception\InvalidRequestException;
use CbzShopify\Validator\RequestValidator;
$validator = new RequestValidator();
try {
$validator->validateRequest($psr7Request, 'shared_secret');
} catch (InvalidRequestException $exception) {
// Request is not valid
Similarily, you can use the WebhookValidator
to validate your webhook:
use CbzShopify\Exception\InvalidWebhookException;
use CbzShopify\Validator\WebhookValidator;
$validator = new WebhookValidator();
try {
$validator->validateWebhook($psr7Request, 'shared_secret');
} catch (InvalidWebhookException $exception) {
// Request is not valid
Finally, you can also use the ApplicationProxyRequestValidator
to validate application proxy requests:
use CbzShopify\Exception\InvalidApplicationProxyRequestException;
use CbzShopify\Validator\ApplicationProxyRequestValidator;
$validator = new ApplicationProxyRequestValidator();
try {
$validator->validateApplicationProxyRequest($psr7Request, 'shared_secret');
} catch {
// Request is not valid
CbzShopify provides an easy way to create a PSR7 compliant ResponseInterface
to create an authorization response:
use CbzShopify\OAuth\AuthorizationRedirectResponse;
$api_key = 'app_123';
$shop_domain = 'shop_to_authorize.myshopify.com';
$scopes = ['read_orders', 'read_products'];
$redirection_uri = 'https://myapp.test.com/oauth/redirect';
$nonce = 'strong_nonce';
$response = new AuthorizationRedirectResponse($api_key, $shop_domain, $scopes, $redirection_uri, $nonce);
While the nonce
parameter is required, CbzShopify does not make any assumption about how to save the nonce and check it when
Shopify redirects to your server. You are responsible to safely saving the nonce.
You can use the TokenExchanger
class to exchange a code to a long-lived access token:
use GuzzleHttp\Client;
use CbzShopify\OAuth\TokenExchanger;
$api_key = 'app_123';
$shared_secret = 'secret_123';
$shop_domain = 'shop_to_authorize.myshopify.com';
$code = 'code_123';
$token_exchanger = new TokenExchanger(new Client());
$access_token = $token_exchanger->exchangeCodeForToken($api_key, $shared_secret, $shop_domain, $code);
CbzShopify also provides a simple factory compliant with container-interop
that you can register to the container of your choice, with the CbzShopify\Container\TokenExchangerFactory
CbzShopify returns Shopify response directly. However, by default, Shopify wrap the responses by a top-key. For instance, if you want to retrieve shop information, Shopify will return this payload:
"shop": {
"id": 123,
"domain": "myshop.myshopify.com"
This is a bit inconvenient to use as we would need to do that:
$shop_domain = $shopify_client->getShop()['shop']['domain'];
Instead, CbzShopify automatically "unwraps" response, so you can use the more concise code:
$shop_domain = $shopify_client->getShop()['domain'];
When reading Shopify API doc, make sure you remove the top key when exploiting responses.
Similarily, when you use one of the count
endpoint, CbzShopify will automatically extract the value from Shopify's response, so you do not need
to manually access the count property:
$count = $shopify_client->countOrders();
// $count is already an integer
For most "list" endpoints (getProducts
, getCollections
...), Shopify allows you to get up to 250 resources at a time. When using the standard get**
method, you are responsible to handle the pagination yourself.
For convenience, CbzShopify allows you to easily iterate through all resources efficiently (internally, we are using generators). Here is how you can get all the products from a given store:
foreach ($shopify_client->getProductsIterator(['fields' => 'id,title']) as $product) {
// Do something with product
CbzShopify will take care of doing additional requests when it has reached the end of a given page.
For optimization purposes, it may be desirable to execute multiple requests concurrently. To do that, CbzShopify client allow you to take advantage of the underlying Guzzle client and execute multiple requests at the same time.
To do that, you can manually create the Guzzle commands, and execute them all. CbzShopify will take care of authenticating all requests individually, and extracting the response payload. For instance, here is how you could get both shop info and products info:
$command1 = $client->getCommand('GetShop', ['fields' => 'id']);
$command2 = $client->getCommand('GetProducts', ['fields' => 'id,title']);
$results = $client->executeAll([$command1, $command2]);
// $results[0] represents the response of $command1, $results[1] represents the response of $command2
If a request has failed, it will contain an instance of GuzzleHttp\Command\Exception\CommandException
. For instance, here is how you could iterate
through all the results:
use GuzzleHttp\Command\Exception\CommandException;
foreach ($results as $singleResult) {
if ($singleResult instanceof CommandException) {
// Get the command that has failed, and eventually retry
$command = $singleResult->getCommand();
// Otherwise, $singleResult is just an array that contains the Shopify data
In 2018, Shopify launched a new API, called the GraphQL Admin API. This new API comes with a lot of advantages compared to the REST API:
- It allows to access more efficiently to the various Shopify resources (you can for instance get a collection, with all its products and variants, by using a single request).
- It offers access to some resources that are not exposed through the REST API.
The version 4 of CbzShopify now ships with a basic GraphQL client. It does not yet support the following features, though:
- Automatic pagination
- Automatic handling of Shopify rate limits
In order to use the client, you must instantiate it. Instead of the ShopifyClient, you must create a CbzShopify\ShopifyGraphQLClient
. If you are using
a private app:
$client = new ShopifyGraphQLClient([
'shop' => 'test.myshopify.com',
'version' => '2021-07',
'private_app' => true,
'password' => 'YOUR PASSWORD'
Make sure to always include a version. More info about Shopify versioning
If you are using a public app:
$client = new ShopifyGraphQLClient([
'shop' => 'test.myshopify.com',
'version' => '2021-07',
'private_app' => false,
'access_token' => 'ACCESS TOKEN'
Make sure to always include a version. More info about Shopify versioning
To perform query, simply enter your query as an heredoc. For instance, here is a GraphQL query that get the title and id of the first 5 collections, as well as the 5 first products within those collections (this used to require several queries in the REST API, while everything can be done very efficiently with GraphQL):
$request = <<<'EOT'
collections(first: 5) {
edges {
node {
products(first: 5) {
edges {
node {
$result = $client->request($request);
CbzShopify automatically unwrap the data
top key from Shopify response, so you can retrieves the data like this:
foreach ($result['collections']['edges'] as $collection) {
var_dump('Collection title: ' . $collection['node']['title']);
foreach ($collection['node']['products']['edges'] as $product) {
var_dump('Product title: ' . $product['node']['title']);
CbzShopify does not attempt to re-write the GraphQL response.
CbzShopify also fully supports GraphQL variable. For instance, here is how you can retrieve a given product by its ID by using GraphQL variables:
$request = <<<'EOT'
query getProduct($id: ID!)
product(id: $id) {
$variables = [
'id' => 'gid://shopify/Product/827442593835'
$result = $client->request($request, $variables);
Similarly, CbzShopify supports mutation. To do this, you simply need to use a mutation query. Here is an example that is creating a product:
$request = <<<'EOT'
mutation createProduct($product: ProductInput!)
productCreate(input: $product) {
userErrors {
product {
$variables = [
'product' => [
'title' => 'My product'
$result = $client->request($request, $variables);
This request will create a new product whose title is "My product", and will return the id of the product.
For better error handling, you should always include the userErrors object in your response.
When using GraphQL requests, there are two kinds of errors that you can catch.
Those errors are for malformed GraphQL requests. You can catch them using the \CbzShopify\Exception\GraphQLErrorException
try {
$result = $client->request($request);
} catch (\CbzShopify\Exception\GraphQLErrorException $exception) {
Those errors are for requests that are missing data (like incorrect data, missing data...). You can catch them using the
try {
$result = $client->request($request);
} catch (\CbzShopify\Exception\GraphQLUserErrorException $exception) {
- Abandoned Checkouts
- AccessScope
- ApplicationCharge
- ApplicationCredit
- Article
- Asset
- AssignedFulfillmentOrder
- Balance
- Balance Transaction
- Blog
- CancellationRequest
- CarrierService
- Checkout
- Collect
- Collection
- CollectionListing
- Comment
- Country
- Currency
- CustomCollection
- Customer
- Customer Address
- CustomerSavedSearch
- Deprecated API Calls
- DiscountCode
- Dispute
- DraftOrder
- Event
- Fulfillment
- FulfillmentEvent
- FulfillmentOrder
- FulfillmentRequest
- FulfillmentService
- GiftCard
- InventoryItem
- InventoryLevel
- Location
- LocationsForMove
- MarketingEvent
- Metafield
- MobilePlatformApplication
- Multipass
- Order
- Order Risk
- Page
- Payment
- Payout
- Policy
- PriceRule
- Product
- Product Image
- Product ResourceFeedback
- Product Variant
- ProductListing
- Province
- RecurringApplicationCharge
- Redirect
- Refund
- Report
- ResourceFeedback
- ScriptTag
- ShippingZone
- Shop
- SmartCollection
- StorefrontAccessToken
- TenderTransaction
- Theme
- Transaction
- UsageCharge
- User
- Webhook
- Other Methods
- Iterator Methods
int countAbandonedCheckouts(array $args = []);
array getAbandonedCheckouts(array $args = []);
array getAccessScopes(array $args = []);
array createApplicationCharge(array $args = []);
array getApplicationCharges(array $args = []);
array getApplicationCharge(array $args = []);
array createApplicationCredit(array $args = []);
array getApplicationCredit(array $args = []);
array getApplicationCredits(array $args = []);
array getArticles(array $args = []);
int countArticles(array $args = []);
array getArticle(array $args = []);
array createArticle(array $args = []);
array updateArticle(array $args = []);
array getArticlesAuthors(array $args = []);
array getArticlesTags(array $args = []);
array deleteArticle(array $args = []);
array getAssets(array $args = []);
array getAsset(array $args = []);
array createAsset(array $args = []);
array updateAsset(array $args = []);
array deleteAsset(array $args = []);
array getAssignedFulfillmentOrders(array $args = []);
array getBalance(array $args = []);
array getBalanceTransactions(array $args = []);
array getBlogs(array $args = []);
int countBlogs(array $args = []);
array getBlog(array $args = []);
array createBlog(array $args = []);
array updateBlog(array $args = []);
array deleteBlog(array $args = []);
array sendCancellationRequest(array $args = []);
array acceptCancellationRequest(array $args = []);
array rejectCancellationRequest(array $args = []);
array createCarrierService(array $args = []);
array updateCarrierService(array $args = []);
array getCarrierServices(array $args = []);
array getCarrierService(array $args = []);
array deleteCarrierService(array $args = []);
array createCheckout(array $args = []);
array completeCheckout(array $args = []);
array getCheckout(array $args = []);
array updateCheckout(array $args = []);
array getCheckoutShippingRates(array $args = []);
array createCollect(array $args = []);
array deleteCollect(array $args = []);
array getCollects(array $args = []);
int countCollects(array $args = []);
array getCollect(array $args = []);
array getCollection(array $args = []);
array getCollectionProducts(array $args = []);
array getCollectionListings(array $args = []);
array getCollectionListingProductIds(array $args = []);
array getCollectionListing(array $args = []);
array createCollectionListing(array $args = []);
array getCollectionListing(array $args = []);
array getComments(array $args = []);
int countComments(array $args = []);
array getComment(array $args = []);
array createComment(array $args = []);
array updateComment(array $args = []);
array spamComment(array $args = []);
array unspamComment(array $args = []);
array approveComment(array $args = []);
array removeComment(array $args = []);
array restoreComment(array $args = []);
array getCountries(array $args = []);
int countCountries(array $args = []);
array getCountry(array $args = []);
array createCountry(array $args = []);
array updateCountry(array $args = []);
array deleteCountry(array $args = []);
array getCurrencies(array $args = []);
array getCustomCollections(array $args = []);
int countCustomCollections(array $args = []);
array getCustomCollection(array $args = []);
array createCustomCollection(array $args = []);
array updateCustomCollection(array $args = []);
array deleteCustomCollection(array $args = []);
array getCustomers(array $args = []);
array searchCustomers(array $args = []);
array getCustomer(array $args = []);
array createCustomer(array $args = []);
array updateCustomer(array $args = []);
array sendCustomerActivationUrl(array $args = []);
array sendCustomerInvite(array $args = []);
array deleteCustomer(array $args = []);
int countCustomers(array $args = []);
array getCustomerOrders(array $args = []);
array getCustomerAddresses(array $args = []);
array getCustomerAddress(array $args = []);
array createCustomerAddress(array $args = []);
array updateCustomerAddress(array $args = []);
array deleteCustomerAddress(array $args = []);
array updateCustomerAddresses(array $args = []);
array setDefaultCustomerAddress(array $args = []);
array getCustomerSavedSearches(array $args = []);
int countCustomerSavedSearches(array $args = []);
array getCustomerSavedSearch(array $args = []);
array getCustomerSavedSearchCustomers(array $args = []);
array createCustomerSavedSearch(array $args = []);
array updateCustomerSavedSearch(array $args = []);
array deleteCustomerSavedSearch(array $args = []);
array getDeprecatedApiCalls(array $args = []);
array createDiscountCode(array $args = []);
array updateDiscountCode(array $args = []);
array getDiscountCodes(array $args = []);
array getDiscountCode(array $args = []);
array lookupDiscountCode(array $args = []);
int countDiscountCodes(array $args = []);
array deleteDiscountCode(array $args = []);
array createDiscountCodeBatch(array $args = []);
array getDiscountCodeBatch(array $args = []);
array getDiscountCodeBatchDiscountCodes(array $args = []);
array getDisputes(array $args = []);
array getDispute(array $args = []);
array createDraftOrder(array $args = []);
array updateDraftOrder(array $args = []);
array getDraftOrders(array $args = []);
array getDraftOrder(array $args = []);
int countDraftOrders(array $args = []);
array sendDraftOrderInvoice(array $args = []);
array deleteDraftOrder(array $args = []);
array completeDraftOrder(array $args = []);
array getEvents(array $args = []);
array getEvent(array $args = []);
int countEvents(array $args = []);
array getFulfillments(array $args = []);
array getFulfillmentOrderFulfillments(array $args = []);
int countFulfillments(array $args = []);
array getFulfullment(array $args = []);
array createFulfillment(array $args = []);
array createFulfillmentOrderFulfillment(array $args = []);
array updateFulfillment(array $args = []);
array updateFulfillmentOrderFulfillment(array $args = []);
array completeFulfillment(array $args = []);
array openFulfillment(array $args = []);
array cancelFulfillment(array $args = []);
array cancelFulfillmentOrderFulfillment(array $args = []);
array getFulfillmentOrders(array $args = []);
array getFulfillmentOrder(array $args = []);
int cancelFulfillmentOrder(array $args = []);
array closeFulfillmentOrder(array $args = []);
array moveFulfillmentOrder(array $args = []);
array openFulfillmentOrder(array $args = []);
array rescheduleFulfillmentOrder(array $args = []);
array getGiftCards(array $args = []);
array getGiftCard(array $args = []);
int countGiftCards(array $args = []);
array createGiftCard(array $args = []);
array updateGiftCard(array $args = []);
array disableGiftCard(array $args = []);
array searchGiftCards(array $args = [])
array getInventoryItems(array $args = []);
array getInventoryItem(array $args = []);
array updateInventoryItem(array $args = []);
array getInventoryLevels(array $args = []);
array adjustInventoryLevel(array $args = []);
array deleteInventoryLevel(array $args = []);
array connectInventoryLevel(array $args = []);
array setInventoryLevel(array $args = []);
array getLocations(array $args = []);
array getLocation(array $args = []);
int countLocations(array $args = []);
array getLocationInventoryLevels(array $args = []);
array getMarketingEvents(array $args = []);
int countMarketingEvents(array $args = []);
array getMarketingEvent(array $args = []);
array createMarketingEvent(array $args = []);
array updateMarketingEvent(array $args = []);
array deleteMarketingEvent(array $args = []);
array createMarketingEventEngagements(array $args = []);
array getMetafields(array $args = []);
array getMetafield(array $args = []);
array createMetafield(array $args = []);
array updateMetafield(array $args = []);
array deleteMetafield(array $args = []);
array getOrders(array $args = []);
int countOrders(array $args = []);
array getOrder(array $args = []);
array getOrderMetafields(array $args = []);
array createOrder(array $args = []);
array updateOrder(array $args = []);
array closeOrder(array $args = []);
array openOrder(array $args = []);
array cancelOrder(array $args = []);
array getPages(array $args = []);
int countPages(array $args = []);
array getPage(array $args = []);
array getPageMetafields(array $args = []);
array createPage(array $args = []);
array updatePage(array $args = []);
array deletePage(array $args = []);
array getPriceRules(array $args = []);
array getPriceRule(array $args = []);
array createPriceRule(array $args = []);
array updatePriceRule(array $args = []);
array deletePriceRule(array $args = []);
array getProducts(array $args = []);
int countProducts(array $args = []);
array getProduct(array $args = []);
array getProductMetafields(array $args = []);
array createProduct(array $args = []);
array updateProduct(array $args = []);
array deleteProduct(array $args = []);
array getProductImages(array $args = []);
int countProductImages(array $args = []);
array getProductImage(array $args = []);
array createProductImage(array $args = []);
array updateProductImage(array $args = []);
array deleteProductImage(array $args = []);
array getProductVariants(array $args = []);
int countProductVariants(array $args = []);
array getProductVariant(array $args = []);
array getProductVariantMetafields(array $args = []);
array createProductVariant(array $args = []);
array updateProductVariant(array $args = []);
array deleteProductVariant(array $args = []);
array getRecurringApplicationCharges(array $args = []);
array getRecurringApplicationCharge(array $args = []);
array createRecurringApplicationCharge(array $args = []);
array updateRecurringApplicationCharge(array $args = []);
array deleteRecurringApplicationCharge(array $args = []);
array getRedirects(array $args = []);
int countRedirects(array $args = []);
array getRedirect(array $args = []);
array createRedirect(array $args = []);
array updateRedirect(array $args = []);
array deleteRedirect(array $args = []);
array getRefunds(array $args = []);
array getRefund(array $args = []);
array calculateRefund(array $args = []);
array createRefund(array $args = []);
array getReports(array $args = []);
array getReport(array $args = []);
array createReport(array $args = []);
array updateReport(array $args = []);
array deleteReport(array $args = []);
array getScriptTags(array $args = []);
int countScriptTags(array $args = []);
array getScriptTag(array $args = []);
array createScriptTag(array $args = []);
array updateScriptTag(array $args = []);
array deleteScriptTag(array $args = []);
array getShippingZones(array $args = []);
array getShop(array $args = []);
array getSmartCollections(array $args = []);
int countSmartCollections(array $args = []);
array getSmartCollection(array $args = []);
array createSmartCollection(array $args = []);
array updateSmartCollection(array $args = []);
array deleteSmartCollection(array $args = []);
array getStorefrontAccessTokens(array $args = []);
array createStorefrontAccessToken(array $args = []);
array deleteStorefrontAccessToken(array $args = []);
array getThemes(array $args = []);
array getTheme(array $args = []);
array createTheme(array $args = []);
array updateTheme(array $args = []);
array deleteTheme(array $args = []);
array getTransactions(array $args = []);
int countTransactions(array $args = []);
array getTransaction(array $args = []);
array createTransaction(array $args = []);
array getUsageCharges(array $args = []);
array getUsageCharge(array $args = []);
array createUsageCharge(array $args = []);
array getWebhooks(array $args = []);
int countWebhooks(array $args = []);
array getWebhook(array $args = []);
array createWebhook(array $args = []);
array updateWebhook(array $args = []);
array deleteWebhook(array $args = []);
array createDelegateAccessToken(array $args = []);
Traversable getAbandonedCheckoutsIterator(array $commandArgs = [], array $iteratorArgs = []);
Traversable getArticlesIterator(array $commandArgs = [], array $iteratorArgs = []);
Traversable getBalanceTransactionsIterator(array $commandArgs = [], array $iteratorArgs = []);
Traversable getCollectsIterator(array $commandArgs = [], array $iteratorArgs = []);
Traversable getCollectionProductsIterator(array $commandArgs = [], array $iteratorArgs = []);
Traversable getCollectionListingProductIdsIterator(array $commandArgs = [], array $iteratorArgs = []);
Traversable getCommentsIterator(array $commandArgs = [], array $iteratorArgs = []);
Traversable getCustomCollectionsIterator(array $commandArgs = [], array $iteratorArgs = []);
Traversable getCustomerAddressesIterator(array $commandArgs = [], array $iteratorArgs = []);
Traversable searchCustomersIterator(array $commandArgs = [], array $iteratorArgs = []);
Traversable getCustomersIterator(array $commandArgs = [], array $iteratorArgs = []);
Traversable getCustomerSavedSearchesIterator(array $commandArgs = [], array $iteratorArgs = []);
Traversable getDiscountCodesIterator(array $commandArgs = [], array $iteratorArgs = []);
Traversable getDisputesIterator(array $commandArgs = [], array $iteratorArgs = []);
Traversable getDraftOrdersIterator(array $commandArgs = [], array $iteratorArgs = []);
Traversable getEventsIterator(array $commandArgs = [], array $iteratorArgs = []);
Traversable getFulfillmentsIterator(array $commandArgs = [], array $iteratorArgs = []);
Traversable getGiftCardsIterator(array $commandArgs = [], array $iteratorArgs = []);
Traversable searchGiftCardsIterator(array $commandArgs = [], array $iteratorArgs = []);
Traversable getInventoryItemsIterator(array $commandArgs = [], array $iteratorArgs = []);
Traversable getInventoryLevelsIterator(array $commandArgs = [], array $iteratorArgs = []);
Traversable getLocationInventoryLevelsIterator(array $commandArgs = [], array $iteratorArgs = []);
Traversable getMarketingEventsIterator(array $commandArgs = [], array $iteratorArgs = []);
Traversable getMetafieldsIterator(array $commandArgs = [], array $iteratorArgs = []);
Traversable getOrdersIterator(array $commandArgs = [], array $iteratorArgs = []);
Traversable getOrderRisksIterator(array $commandArgs = [], array $iteratorArgs = []);
Traversable getPagesIterator(array $commandArgs = [], array $iteratorArgs = []);
Traversable getPayoutsIterator(array $commandArgs = [], array $iteratorArgs = []);
Traversable getPriceRulesIterator(array $commandArgs = [], array $iteratorArgs = []);
Traversable getProductsIterator(array $commandArgs = [], array $iteratorArgs = []);
Traversable getProductListingsIterator(array $commandArgs = [], array $iteratorArgs = []);
Traversable getProductVariantsIterator(array $commandArgs = [], array $iteratorArgs = []);
Traversable getRedirectsIterator(array $commandArgs = [], array $iteratorArgs = []);
Traversable getRefundsIterator(array $commandArgs = [], array $iteratorArgs = []);
Traversable getReportsIterator(array $commandArgs = [], array $iteratorArgs = []);
Traversable getScriptTagsIterator(array $commandArgs = [], array $iteratorArgs = []);
Traversable getSmartCollectionsIterator(array $commandArgs = [], array $iteratorArgs = []);
Traversable getTenderTransactionsIterator(array $commandArgs = [], array $iteratorArgs = []);
Traversable getTransactionsIterator(array $commandArgs = [], array $iteratorArgs = []);
Traversable getUsersIterator(array $commandArgs = [], array $iteratorArgs = []);
Traversable getWebhooksIterator(array $commandArgs = [], array $iteratorArgs = []);