Download Pentaho BI Server CE 6.1 https://sourceforge.net/projects/pentaho/files/Business%20Intelligence%20Server/6.1/biserver-ce-
Put the plugin CRUDClient into pentaho-solutions/system
Create a database connection called clients into MySQL.
Execute clients_db.sql
create database clients;
use clients;
create table tb_clients(
cod integer,
name varchar(200),
company varchar(100),
country varchar(100)
- Change db password
5.1) Open those files on PDI: registerData.ktr, updateData.ktr, deleteData.ktr, KettleTransBuscar.ktr.
5.1.1) In registerData.ktr, go to step table ouput -> Connection -> Edit... -> Change to your own MySQL password.
5.1.2) In updateData.ktr, go to step insert / update -> Connection -> Edit... -> Change to your own MySQL password.
5.1.3) In deleteData.ktr, go to step Delete -> Connection -> Edit... -> Change to your own MySQL password.
5.1.4) In KettleTransBuscar.ktr, go to step table input -> Connection -> Edit... -> Change to your own MySQL password
Restart BI Server
Enjoy the plugin.
After any insert, update or delete using the plugin, we need to reload the plugin on App Builder.