- stores and recieves data from a firestore database.
- handles authentication and the selected chats by context-api.
- custom UI/UX created personally by Sass and inline style objects.
- responsive layout (Desktop:"whatsapp-web" like layout, mobile: "whatsapp-app: like layout.)
- Demo login option.
Connect with people all around the world uisng chit-chat. send texts and images get notified on unseen messages and see the images in full size if wished.
“A person's a person, no matter how small.”
- React.
- Js.
- Sass
- firebase.
- Media queries(responsiveness).
- open your terminal.
- run the following commands:
$ git clone https://github.com/itaim18/ChitChat.git
$ cd ChitChat && npm install
$ npm start
- have a great hacking!
enter the site sign in with trhe demo user or register to gain access. In the app itself:
- look for your friend by his username.
- Text him with your message or image.
- you can also display the images sent in full layout.
- see the messages unseen as presented in the sidebar.
- use it with any view port you feel like.
made by @ItaiM