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The goal of immunoeasy is to make immunologists' life easier with clear functions.
You can install the released version of immunoeasy from Github with:
# library(devtools)
# devtools::install_github("itamuria/immunoeasy")
If we want to know information about an ensemble id we can use the ens2symbol function. For example if we want to know the information about ENSG00000000003 we should do in the next way:
## basic example code
example_ensg <- ens2symbol(ens_ids = c("ENSG00000000003","ENSG00000184389"))
example_ensg %>%
kable() %>%
Variant callers create vcf files. This files have a defined structure and usually it is used for downstream analysis. Here we can do:
- From vcf to excel
- From vcf to potential neoantigen selection
for(c in 1:length(count_list))
if(c == 4)
write.table(count_list[[c]], file = paste0(names(count_list)[c],".txt"),row.names = FALSE, sep = "\t")
} else if(c == 3)
write.table(count_list[[c]], file = paste0(names(count_list)[c],".txt"), row.names = TRUE)
else {
write.table(count_list[[c]], file = paste0(names(count_list)[c],".txt"),row.names = FALSE)
If we have the htseq file and we want to obtain the fpmk and cuartiles. mfl_number is the average size of the reads. In this case it is 569.
mfl_num_z <- 569
#htseq_fpkm <- counts2fpkm_htseq (filename = "htseq_counts.txt", mfl_num = c(mfl_num_z))
If we have the htseq file and we want to obtain the fpmk and cuartiles. mfl_number is the average size of the reads. In this case it is 569.
quant_fpkm <- counts2fpkm_quant (filename = "quant_counts.txt", mfl_num = c(mfl_num_z))
If we have the htseq file and we want to obtain the fpmk and cuartiles. mfl_number is the average size of the reads. In this case it is 569.
subread_fpkm <- counts2fpkm_subread (filename = "subread_counts.txt", mfl_num = c(mfl_num_z))
If we have the htseq file and we want to obtain the fpmk and cuartiles. mfl_number is the average size of the reads. In this case it is 569.
cuff_fpkm <- counts2fpkm_cuff (filename = "cufflink_fpkm.txt", previous_clean = TRUE)
save(htseq_fpkm, quant_fpkm, subread_fpkm,cuff_fpkm, file="fpkm.RData")
# selected_genes <- openxlsx::read.xlsx("data/Pac19_four_together4.xlsx")
# save(selected_genes, file = "Selected_genes.RData")
In this case the function take an excel with several columns and count in how many variant callers are found the mutations. At least we need 4 columns: chromosome, position, gen_name and variant caller. Furthermore, we need to specify the names of the used variant callers. If we want to include more information as VAF and others we should include it.
# Example_VariantCallers_PerMutation <- openxlsx::read.xlsx("Example_VariantCallers_PerMutation.xlsx")
# save(Example_VariantCallers_PerMutation, file = "Example_VariantCallers_PerMutation.RData")
Example_VariantCallers_PerMutation <- NULL
openxlsx::write.xlsx(Example_VariantCallers_PerMutation, "Example_VariantCallers_PerMutation.xlsx")
Example_VariantCallers_PerMutation %>% kable() %>% kable_styling()
howmany <- varcall2HowMany (filename = "Example_VariantCallers_PerMutation.xlsx", chr_pos = 1, position = 2, gen_name = 3, varian_caller = 12, VAF = NA, others = NULL,var_cal_4 = c("mutect38","somaticsniper", "strelka","varscan"))
howmany2 <- varcall2HowMany (filename = "Example_VariantCallers_PerMutation.xlsx", chr_pos = 1, position = 2, gen_name = 3, varian_caller = 12, VAF = 5, others = c(4,6:11),var_cal_4 = c("mutect38","somaticsniper", "strelka","varscan"))
final_dataframe <- four_counter2summary (semi_subread = subread_fpkm, semi_cuff = cuff_fpkm,
semi_quant = quant_fpkm, semi_htseq = htseq_fpkm,
ngenes = selected_genes$Symbol,
export_excel_name = "20200207_four_together_counts_pac5_10619.xlsx",
save_final = TRUE, dif_cuartiles = FALSE)