A simple Kafka message producer. The messages are generated with Faker library and imitate session activities.
The format of the message:
'basket_price': float,
'detectedCorruption': boolean,
'detectedDuplicate': boolean,
'eventType': String,
'firstInSession': boolean,
'item_id': String,
'item_price': float,
'item_url': String,
'location': String,
'pageViewId': String,
'partyId': String,
'referer': String,
'remoteHost': String,
'sessionId': String,
'timestamp': datetime ("%Y-%m-%d"),
'userAgentName': String
Message example:
"basket_price": "$549.95",
"detectedCorruption": false,
"detectedDuplicate": false,
"eventType": ["itemViewEvent"],
"firstInSession": false,
"item_id": "ZQqKSsbfkOapBGidwYJi",
"item_price": 2433.7,
"item_url": "https://dummyimage.com/672x983",
"location": "https://picsum.photos/137/238",
"partyId": "0:FJnXyLax:QhpGQGiGMTmdGJigHbRGPJA",
"referer": "https://placekitten.com/188/915",
"remoteHost": "test4",
"sessionId": "0:NRwvKgPH:tfKbpfhkkYogejrrSWnvgzx",
"timestamp": 1063238400.0,
"userAgentName": "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/536.0 (K HTML, like Gecko) Chrome/46.0.855.0 Safari/536.0"
How to launch:
- Run Kafka (Wurstmeister's - https://github.com/wurstmeister/kafka-docker)
The topic is created automatically - "sessions" (1 partition, 2 replicas)
cd *your_path*/kafka_message_generator
docker-compose up
- Build the generator's image
docker build -t kafka_msg_gen:0.0.1 ./app
Run container
Parameters for the generator:
- address - Kafka address. Default - 'localhost:9092'
- topic - Kafka topic name. Default - 'test'
- --num - Number of messages to send. Default - 0 means limitless continuous flow of messages
docker run -it --init --rm --network host kafka_msg_gen:0.0.1 generator_dockerized.py sessions --num=0
Ctrl-C to interrupt message generator