ITLab Vision Group
Computer Vision Research Group at UNN
- Nizhini Novgorod State University, Russia
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Showing 10 of 36 repositories
- vehicle-detection Public
- dl-benchmark Public
Deep Learning Inference benchmark. Supports OpenVINO™ toolkit, TensorFlow, TensorFlow Lite, ONNX Runtime, OpenCV DNN, MXNet, PyTorch, Apache TVM, ncnn, PaddlePaddle, etc.
- open_model_zoo_tvm Public Forked from FenixFly/open_model_zoo_tvm
Pre-trained Deep Learning models and demos (high quality and extremely fast)
- catboost Public Forked from catboost/catboost
A fast, scalable, high performance Gradient Boosting on Decision Trees library, used for ranking, classification, regression and other machine learning tasks for Python, R, Java, C++. Supports computation on CPU and GPU.
- opencv-samples-perf-analysis Public
- CV-SUMMER-CAMP-2022 Public
#CV-SUMMER-CAMP-2022 Репозиторий материалов Летней школы ННГУ им. Н.И. Лобачевского по компьютерному зрению
- satellite_images_processing Public