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Static files skeleton for ha framework


  • Node.js
  • Grunt
  • Sass
  • Bower (optional)


  • Automatically compile javascript into one super optimized file (1x dev file, 1x production file)
  • Automatically compile SASS to optimized CSS files with multiple browser support
  • Automatic image optimization with fine-tuned maximum quality and minimal size (gif, jpeg, png)
  • Automatic gzip compression for optional gzip-static functionality in nginx server
  • Automatic google fonts download to local folder

How it works

All static files must be saved in the {projectRoot}/resources/assets folder. All files will be automatically compiled, optimized, and copied to the public folder via grunt tasks. Public folder is {projectRoot}/public/static and can be optionaly changed (description in Configuration chapter).

Grunt tasks

  • grunt build or grunt - Run all tasks, publish all to public folder.
  • grunt ha-publish-images - Optimizes all images and replaces these images in a public folder.
  • grunt ha-download-fonts - Download fonts from google fonts and create associated scss file for sass.
  • grunt ha-publish-fonts - Delete public fonts and publish current fonts.
  • grunt ha-publish-css - Compile and optimize CSS files, clean the public CSS directory, and copy compressed CSS files to public directory.
  • grunt ha-publish-js - Compile and optimize javascript files, clean the public scripts directory, and copy compressed scripts to public directory.
  • grunt ha-publish-assets - Clean the public directory for custom files, and copy custom files to public directory.


Assets configuration file

Main configuration file for static files is {projectRoot}/resources/assets/assets-configuration.json.

Files in the project often need exact order, so javascript files are listed in the exact order (libs and plugins)

  • css.browsers: (DEPRECATED!) list of supported browsers on CSS recompilation (autoprefixer setting), e.g. ["> 0.1%", "last 20 versions", "ie 7", "ie 8", "ie 9", "ie 10", "ie 11"]
  • js.supportForOldIE: true or false, set to true, if Internet Explorer < 9 is used
  • js.banner: javascript header with project info and some aditional info, e.g. "/*! <%= %> - v<%= pkg.version %>\nBuild <%=\"yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:ss\") %>\nCopyright (c) <%=\"yyyy\") %> <%= %> */\n"
  • js.libs.compile: (paths array) javascript files paths to be compiled, files will be included before your application files as a libraries
  • js.libs.copy: the same as js.libs.compile, but files are copied only without optimization - use only when compilation process throws an errors
  • js.plugins.compile: (paths array) javascript files paths to be compiled, files will be included before your application files and after libraries (place here files based on libraries)
  • js.plugins.copy: (paths array) the same as js.plugins.compile, but files are copied only without optimization - use only when compilation process throws an errors
  • fonts.googleFontsList: (config array) list of configurations for google fonts download task, based on grunt-google-fonts, e.g.:
    "fonts": {
        "googleFontsList": [
                "family": "Roboto",
                "subsets": ["latin-ext"],
                "styles": ["100", "100i", "300", "300i", "400", "400i", "500", "500i", "700", "700i", "900", "900i"]
                "family": "Oswald",
                "subsets": ["latin", "latin-ext"],
                "styles": ["300", "400", "700"]

Path to assets in configuration file

All files will be saved after compiling and optimizing in {projectRoot}/public/static/* folder. This path can be changed in the configuration file {projectRoot}/node.js/config/grunt/paths.json (change values for targetRootPath and publicRootPath).

Source directory (here are files stored)
  • path to CSS files: <%= path.sourcesRootPath %>/<%= dirName.css %>/
  • path to javascript files: <%= path.sourcesRootPath %>/<%= dirName.js %>/
  • path to font files: <%= path.sourcesRootPath %>/<%= dirName.font %>/
  • path to image files: <%= path.sourcesRootPath %>/<%= dirName.img %>/
  • path to other files (pdf, doc, ...): <%= path.sourcesRootPath %>/<%= dirName.other %>/
Public directory (optimized files will be copied here in publish process)
  • path to CSS files: <%= path.targetRootPath %>/<%= dirName.css %>/
  • path to javascript files: <%= path.targetRootPath %>/<%= dirName.js %>/
  • path to font files: <%= path.targetRootPath %>/<%= dirName.font %>/
  • path to image files: <%= path.targetRootPath %>/<%= dirName.img %>/
  • path to other files (pdf, doc, ...): <%= path.targetRootPath %>/<%= dirName.other %>/
  • path to vendor javascript stored in {projectRoot}/resources/assets/vendor/some-lib1/some-lib1.min.js:
<%= path.sourcesRootPath %>/vendor/some-lib1/some-lib1.min.js

Example configuration

    "fonts": {
        "googleFontsList": [
                "family": "Roboto",
                "subsets": ["latin-ext"],
                "styles": ["100", "100i", "300", "300i", "400", "400i", "500", "500i", "700", "700i", "900", "900i"]
    "css": {

    "js": {
        "supportForOldIE": true,
        "banner": "/*! <%= %> - v<%= pkg.version %>\nBuild <%=\"yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:ss\") %>\nCopyright (c) <%=\"yyyy\") %> <%= %> */\n",
        "libs": {
            "compile": [
                "<%= path.sourcesRootPath %>/vendor/some-lib1/some-lib1.min.js",
                "<%= path.sourcesRootPath %>/vendor/some-lib2/some-lib2.min.js"
            "copy": [
                "<%= path.sourcesRootPath %>/vendor/some-lib3/some-lib3.min.js"
        "plugins": {
            "compile": [

            "copy": [


Working with javascript

Start you logic in file {projectRoot}/resources/assets/js/main.js. This file runs your js application (js logic start). If you can use configuration for your logic, place this configuration to {projectRoot}/resources/assets/js/config.js, e.g.:

var cfg = {
    MY_VALUE1: 'xyz',
    MY_VALUE2: 123,

This configuration will be available in your main.js file, e.g. (main.js):

(function () {
    'use strict';

    // TODO your custom app logic


In your main.js use custom initialization logic, setup handlers, etc. Your custom classes and other functionality files store please in folder {projectRoot}/resources/assets/js/scripts.

Javascript ha framework provides nice namespace initialization.

// this creates object: with NULL value

So we can simply create simulated class in some javascript file, e.g.:

// create namespace object (init tree path to class)

// define class example.NumberMultiplier:
example.classes.NumberMultiplier = function(someArgument) {

    // prevent 'this' issues
    var _self = this;

    // private property example
    var multiplier = 10;
    var classConstructorArgument1 = someArgument;

    // public property example
    _self.description = 'Example class in native javascript.';

    // private method example
    var multiplyNumber = function(value) {
        return (value * multiplier); // example usage of private property 'multiplier'

    // public method example
    _self.multiply = function(value) {
        return multiplyNumber(value); // example usage of private method 'multiplyNumber()'


This pseudo class may be used as:

var multiplier = new example.classes.NumberMultiplier();
var value = multiplier.multiply(3.3);

Building and publishing you javascript application

Run task grunt ha-publish-js from node.js directory. This will compile all defined and required scripts and publish compiled files to public directory. Compilation result is two files: min.production.{hash}.js (all console calls are removed) and{hash}.js (supports console commands).

Directory name in public js directory for your files is extracted from {projectRoot}/node.js/package.json (key name + key version), so you can change this values (also in future for newer versions). Path is in background used as <%= path.targetRootPath %>/<%= dirName.js %>/<%= %>-<%= pkg.version %>/

Compiled file has banner (comment at the beginning of compiled file) and this banner is by default also builded from {projectRoot}/node.js/package.json (key name + key version + key author). This banner can be changed in cofiguration file {projectRoot}/resources/assets/assets-configuration.json (key js.banner).

Add new library or plugin via Bower

  • use bower bower install {myplugin} from node.js directory
  • run task grunt ha-publish-js from node.js directory

Add new library or plugin manually

  • copy your files to some subdirectory in {projectRoot}/resources/assets/vendor and add required files to configuration file {projectRoot}/resources/assets/assets-configuration.json. If this file is library, use path js.libs.compile in your JSON. If this file is library plugin, use path js.plugins.compile in your JSON.
  • run task grunt ha-publish-js from node.js directory
  • if compilation throws an error, use path js.libs.copy or js.plugins.copy in your JSON and this file will not be optimized during compilation.

Example path to vendor javascript file suppotred in config file: <%= path.sourcesRootPath %>/vendor/some-lib1/some-lib1.min.js:

How compilation works

Including steps:

  • js libraries from configuration js.libs.copy
  • js plugins from configuration js.plugins.copy
  • function, which wraps these files (function body will be optimized and recompiled):
    • ha framework functionality {projectRoot}/resources/assets/vendor/ha-framework/js/ha.js
    • js scripts installed by Bower
    • js libraries from configuration js.libs.compile
    • js plugins from configuration js.plugins.compile
    • your custom js logic from {projectRoot}/resources/vendor/assets/js/scripts/**.js
    • your custom js configuration {projectRoot}/resources/vendor/assets/js/config.js
    • your main js runner (funcionality initialization) {projectRoot}/resources/vendor/assets/js/main.js

Including JS and CSS to HTML files.

Current versions of your files is stored in map files with name versions.json, e.g.:

  "/static/js/my-project-1.0.0/": "/static/js/my-project-1.0.0/",
  "/static/js/my-project-1.0.0/min.production.js": "/static/js/my-project-1.0.0/min.production.e853fa3ba1e6ff5cee8ee311a5af0953cda55350.js",

Example in pure php from public directory:

// load compiled js from version file
$versions = json_decode(file_get_contents('./static/js/my-project-1.0.0/versions.json'));
foreach ($versions AS $name => $file) {
    if (strpos($name, '/') !== false) {
        echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"{$file}\"></script>\n";
// load compiled css from version file
$versions = json_decode(file_get_contents('./static/css/versions.json'));
foreach ($versions AS $name => $file) {
    if (strpos($name, '.css') !== false) {
        echo "<link href=\"{$file}\" rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" />\n";


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