- Node.js
- Grunt
- Sass
- Bower (optional)
- Automatically compile javascript into one super optimized file (1x dev file, 1x production file)
- Automatically compile SASS to optimized CSS files with multiple browser support
- Automatic image optimization with fine-tuned maximum quality and minimal size (gif, jpeg, png)
- Automatic gzip compression for optional gzip-static functionality in nginx server
- Automatic google fonts download to local folder
All static files must be saved in the {projectRoot}/resources/assets
folder. All files will be automatically compiled, optimized, and copied to the public folder via grunt tasks. Public folder is {projectRoot}/public/static
and can be optionaly changed (description in Configuration chapter).
grunt build
- Run all tasks, publish all to public folder.grunt ha-publish-images
- Optimizes all images and replaces these images in a public folder.grunt ha-download-fonts
- Download fonts from google fonts and create associated scss file for sass.grunt ha-publish-fonts
- Delete public fonts and publish current fonts.grunt ha-publish-css
- Compile and optimize CSS files, clean the public CSS directory, and copy compressed CSS files to public directory.grunt ha-publish-js
- Compile and optimize javascript files, clean the public scripts directory, and copy compressed scripts to public directory.grunt ha-publish-assets
- Clean the public directory for custom files, and copy custom files to public directory.
Main configuration file for static files is {projectRoot}/resources/assets/assets-configuration.json
Files in the project often need exact order, so javascript files are listed in the exact order (libs and plugins)
: (DEPRECATED!) list of supported browsers on CSS recompilation (autoprefixer setting), e.g.["> 0.1%", "last 20 versions", "ie 7", "ie 8", "ie 9", "ie 10", "ie 11"]
, set totrue
, if Internet Explorer < 9 is usedjs.banner
: javascript header with project info and some aditional info, e.g."/*! <%= pkg.name %> - v<%= pkg.version %>\nBuild <%= grunt.template.today(\"yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:ss\") %>\nCopyright (c) <%= grunt.template.today(\"yyyy\") %> <%= pkg.author %> */\n"
: (paths array) javascript files paths to be compiled, files will be included before your application files as a librariesjs.libs.copy
: the same as js.libs.compile, but files are copied only without optimization - use only when compilation process throws an errorsjs.plugins.compile
: (paths array) javascript files paths to be compiled, files will be included before your application files and after libraries (place here files based on libraries)js.plugins.copy
: (paths array) the same as js.plugins.compile, but files are copied only without optimization - use only when compilation process throws an errorsfonts.googleFontsList
: (config array) list of configurations for google fonts download task, based on grunt-google-fonts, e.g.:
"fonts": {
"googleFontsList": [
"family": "Roboto",
"subsets": ["latin-ext"],
"styles": ["100", "100i", "300", "300i", "400", "400i", "500", "500i", "700", "700i", "900", "900i"]
"family": "Oswald",
"subsets": ["latin", "latin-ext"],
"styles": ["300", "400", "700"]
All files will be saved after compiling and optimizing in {projectRoot}/public/static/*
folder. This path can be changed in the configuration file {projectRoot}/node.js/config/grunt/paths.json
(change values for targetRootPath and publicRootPath).
- path to CSS files:
<%= path.sourcesRootPath %>/<%= dirName.css %>/
- path to javascript files:
<%= path.sourcesRootPath %>/<%= dirName.js %>/
- path to font files:
<%= path.sourcesRootPath %>/<%= dirName.font %>/
- path to image files:
<%= path.sourcesRootPath %>/<%= dirName.img %>/
- path to other files (pdf, doc, ...):
<%= path.sourcesRootPath %>/<%= dirName.other %>/
- path to CSS files:
<%= path.targetRootPath %>/<%= dirName.css %>/
- path to javascript files:
<%= path.targetRootPath %>/<%= dirName.js %>/
- path to font files:
<%= path.targetRootPath %>/<%= dirName.font %>/
- path to image files:
<%= path.targetRootPath %>/<%= dirName.img %>/
- path to other files (pdf, doc, ...):
<%= path.targetRootPath %>/<%= dirName.other %>/
- path to vendor javascript stored in
<%= path.sourcesRootPath %>/vendor/some-lib1/some-lib1.min.js
"fonts": {
"googleFontsList": [
"family": "Roboto",
"subsets": ["latin-ext"],
"styles": ["100", "100i", "300", "300i", "400", "400i", "500", "500i", "700", "700i", "900", "900i"]
"css": {
"js": {
"supportForOldIE": true,
"banner": "/*! <%= pkg.name %> - v<%= pkg.version %>\nBuild <%= grunt.template.today(\"yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:ss\") %>\nCopyright (c) <%= grunt.template.today(\"yyyy\") %> <%= pkg.author %> */\n",
"libs": {
"compile": [
"<%= path.sourcesRootPath %>/vendor/some-lib1/some-lib1.min.js",
"<%= path.sourcesRootPath %>/vendor/some-lib2/some-lib2.min.js"
"copy": [
"<%= path.sourcesRootPath %>/vendor/some-lib3/some-lib3.min.js"
"plugins": {
"compile": [
"copy": [
Start you logic in file {projectRoot}/resources/assets/js/main.js
. This file runs your js application (js logic start). If you can use configuration for your logic, place this configuration to {projectRoot}/resources/assets/js/config.js
, e.g.:
var cfg = {
MY_VALUE1: 'xyz',
MY_VALUE2: 123,
This configuration will be available in your main.js
file, e.g. (main.js):
(function () {
'use strict';
// TODO your custom app logic
In your main.js use custom initialization logic, setup handlers, etc. Your custom classes and other functionality files store please in folder {projectRoot}/resources/assets/js/scripts
Javascript ha framework provides nice namespace initialization.
// this creates object: my.some.dot.separated.namespace.value with NULL value
So we can simply create simulated class in some javascript file, e.g.:
// create namespace object (init tree path to class)
// define class example.NumberMultiplier:
example.classes.NumberMultiplier = function(someArgument) {
// prevent 'this' issues
var _self = this;
// private property example
var multiplier = 10;
var classConstructorArgument1 = someArgument;
// public property example
_self.description = 'Example class in native javascript.';
// private method example
var multiplyNumber = function(value) {
return (value * multiplier); // example usage of private property 'multiplier'
// public method example
_self.multiply = function(value) {
return multiplyNumber(value); // example usage of private method 'multiplyNumber()'
This pseudo class may be used as:
var multiplier = new example.classes.NumberMultiplier();
var value = multiplier.multiply(3.3);
Run task grunt ha-publish-js
from node.js directory. This will compile all defined and required scripts and publish compiled files to public directory. Compilation result is two files: min.production.{hash}.js
(all console calls are removed) and min.dev.{hash}.js
(supports console commands).
Directory name in public js directory for your files is extracted from {projectRoot}/node.js/package.json
(key name + key version), so you can change this values (also in future for newer versions). Path is in background used as <%= path.targetRootPath %>/<%= dirName.js %>/<%= pkg.name %>-<%= pkg.version %>/min.dev.js
Compiled file has banner (comment at the beginning of compiled file) and this banner is by default also builded from {projectRoot}/node.js/package.json
(key name + key version + key author). This banner can be changed in cofiguration file {projectRoot}/resources/assets/assets-configuration.json
(key js.banner).
- use bower
bower install {myplugin}
from node.js directory - run task
grunt ha-publish-js
from node.js directory
- copy your files to some subdirectory in
and add required files to configuration file{projectRoot}/resources/assets/assets-configuration.json
. If this file is library, use pathjs.libs.compile
in your JSON. If this file is library plugin, use pathjs.plugins.compile
in your JSON. - run task
grunt ha-publish-js
from node.js directory - if compilation throws an error, use path
in your JSON and this file will not be optimized during compilation.
Example path to vendor javascript file suppotred in config file:
<%= path.sourcesRootPath %>/vendor/some-lib1/some-lib1.min.js
Including steps:
- js libraries from configuration
- js plugins from configuration
- function, which wraps these files (function body will be optimized and recompiled):
- ha framework functionality
- js scripts installed by Bower
- js libraries from configuration
- js plugins from configuration
- your custom js logic from
- your custom js configuration
- your main js runner (funcionality initialization)
- ha framework functionality
Current versions of your files is stored in map files with name versions.json
, e.g.:
"/static/js/my-project-1.0.0/min.dev.js": "/static/js/my-project-1.0.0/min.dev.06d05048e9038911d670171c17723c11cc55dd1b.js",
"/static/js/my-project-1.0.0/min.production.js": "/static/js/my-project-1.0.0/min.production.e853fa3ba1e6ff5cee8ee311a5af0953cda55350.js",
Example in pure php from public directory:
// load compiled js from version file
$versions = json_decode(file_get_contents('./static/js/my-project-1.0.0/versions.json'));
foreach ($versions AS $name => $file) {
if (strpos($name, '/min.dev.js') !== false) {
echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"{$file}\"></script>\n";
// load compiled css from version file
$versions = json_decode(file_get_contents('./static/css/versions.json'));
foreach ($versions AS $name => $file) {
if (strpos($name, '.css') !== false) {
echo "<link href=\"{$file}\" rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" />\n";