Application for Prakarsh XIII (2018) Fest.
This app uses JSON files from PrakarshJSON project hosted with Github Pages.

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- Create a new Firebase project.
- Add google-services.json to "PrakarshApp/app" folder. (Firebase Documentation)
- Add your app's SHA-1 fingerprint and enable Google Sign-In. (Firebase Documentation)
- Add Google sign-in client ID in google_login_web_client_id (/res/values/appids.xml) (Firebase Documentation)
users -> [Unique User ID] -> (fields) city, collegeName, department, email, name, phoneNumber
Create "users" collection using the Firebase console. The UUID documents and the details fields will automatically be generated from the client side.
newsfeed -> [FB Post ID] -> (fields) caption, date, imageUrl, time
All posts must be added manually. In the future the data will be fetched through a script.
service cloud.firestore {
match /databases/{database}/documents {
match /users/{userID} {
allow create, update, read: if request.auth.uid == userID;
match /newsfeed/{document=**} {
allow read;