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alt text

Operating systems supported

  • Linux based:
    • Ubuntu
    • Fedora
    • Kali

Quick summary of the Ejib

lightweight and fast text editor

Editor features

  • Write, erase, paste, etc on text

  • Using shortcuts like ^F to save the file, ^V for paste copied text and ^B to change the mode to visual to speed up editing text, etc

  • Having a section called visual mode for quick editing in the text, searching in the text, moving around in the text, etc.

  • Save text to file or open file quickly

  • Colorizing the text to make it more readable for programmers

  • Visual mode: help/visual_mode_help.txt

  • Shortcuts: help/shortcuts_help.txt

  • General info: help/help.txt

Coding model properties

  • Ease of reading the code due to the division of code parts in the library and the division of large sections to the small functions.
  • Detailed comments in incomprehensible parts

Several examples of visual mode commands

  • text -S "something" Search "something" in text
  • file -S Save the file
  • text -D Delete all of the text

You can get more complete information about various commands in the program itself