./mvnw clean package
Ensure you have set up a valid version of GraalVM on your machine and then run:
./mvnw -Pnative clean package
java -jar target/springboot-3-overview-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
If no more liquibase processing is needed, you can skip it by passing this argument
⚠️ Liquibase is enabled by default: If you want to see the real start time in native mode, you might want to disable it./target/springboot-3-overview --spring.liquibase.enabled=false
IMPORTANT: The configuration used requires a docker registry where the images must be pushed to. This has to be configured in the docker-compose.yaml
docker build -f Dockerfile -t {YOUR_DOCKER_REGISTRY}/image-jvm .
docker push {YOUR_DOCKER_REGISTRY}/image-jvm
docker build --platform=linux/arm64 -f ./Dockerfile.native -t {YOUR_DOCKER_REGISTRY}/image-native .
docker push {YOUR_DOCKER_REGISTRY}/image-native
docker compose up