This repository contains a simple and clean Dockerfile and Entrypoint script to build a Docker image of SonarQube scanner for .NET.
- base image:
- jre: openjdk-17-jre
- dotnet-sonarscanner: 6.2.0
- dotnet-reportgenerator-globaltool: 5.3.0
Yoy can build the image downloading code and executing:
docker build -t sonarscanner-net .
In order to run the container, you need to specify the environment variables.
SONAR_HOST sechema://host:port of your SonarQube instance. Default is http://localhost:9000
SONAR_TOKEN Required. SonarQube token.
PROJECT_KEY Required. Project KEY
PROJECT_PATH Required. Path to your.csproj or .nls file
docker run -v /home/user/samples:/samples -e SONAR_HOST='<https://my-sonar-host:port>' -e SONAR_TOKEN='<my-sonar-token>' -e PROJECT_KEY='<my-sonar-project-key>' -e PROJECT_PATH='/samples/my/sonar/project/path' -it sonarscanner-net
NOTE: If the image is to be used on GitHub or GitLab pipeline, mounting the source code path is unnecessary.
If you do not want to build the image, you can download the image from DockerHub.