a few helper scripts for install openshift couple of scripts
#1 Subscribe nodes ansible-playbook -i inventory playbooks/subscribe.yml --user=vagrant --private-key=/Users/imckinle/Projects/openshift/vagrant-openshift-multihost/ose.key --key-file=/Users/imckinle/Projects/openshift/vagrant-openshift-multihost/ose.key --become-method=sudo --become
ansible-playbook -i inventory playbooks/configall.72.yml --user=vagrant --private-key=/Users/imckinle/Projects/openshift/vagrant-openshift-multihost/ose.key --key-file=/Users/imckinle/Projects/openshift/vagrant-openshift-multihost/ose.key --become-method=sudo --become
install registry mkdir /mnt/registry sudo chown 1001:root /mnt/registry oadm registry --service-account=registry --config=/etc/origin/master/admin.kubeconfig --credentials=/etc/origin/master/openshift-registry.kubeconfig --images='registry.access.redhat.com/openshift3/ose-${component}:${version}' --mount-host=/mnt/registry --selector="region=infra"
because the machines are based on the cdk. it may be required to remove the already installed ose. the playbook should do this but have aboserved it doesn't
sudo yum remove kubernetes-master -y; sudo yum remove kubernetes-client -y ; sudo yum remove kubernetes-node -y;
because i instal the LB o nthe same machine as the dns server. the openshift install configures iptables rules only for the LB. There fore any dns ports opene 53() get rmeove
to resolve this the file /usr/share/ansible/openshift-ansible/roles/haproxy/defaults/main.yml is updated
- service: proxy port: "8443/tcp"
- service: proxy port: "80/tcp"
- service: dns port: "53/udp"
- service: haproxy stats port: "9000/tcp"
- service: haproxy balance port: "{{ haproxy_frontend_port }}/tcp"
theres a bug where the ansible install won'T work corectly the following fixes it
2 git clone https://github.com/openshift/openshift-ansible.git
6 export ANSIBLE_FILTER_PLUGINS=/home/vagrant/openshift-ansible/filter_plugins
7 export ANSIBLE_LOOKUP_PLUGINS=/home/vagrant/openshift-ansible/lookup_plugins