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Repository files navigation


A lightweight web framework for dartlang :)

Inspired by unjs H3''s simple, composable API.


  • Composable utilities.
  • Functional style.
  • Clean, useful abstractions.

This is a new project under active development.

Table of Contents

Quick setup

Add H4 to your pubspec.yaml:

  h4: 0.4.1

Or install with dart pub get

dart pub add h4

Import the library and start building your server:

import 'package:h4/create.dart';

void main() {
 var app = createApp();
 var router = createRouter();


 router.get("/", (event) => "Hello world!");



void main() {
  var app = createApp(port: 4000);
  var router = createRouter();


  // Simply return values from your handlers and H4 handles serialization
  router.get("/", (event) => "Hello world")"/post", (event) => {'easy': 'peasy'})

Global Hooks

Register application-wide hooks (middleware pattern):

  • onRequest: Run when a request is instantiated.
  • onError: Run when the application breaks due to an error.
  • afterResponse: Run after the request is handled.
void main() {
  var app = createApp(
    port: 5173,
    onRequest: (event) {
      // Add request timestamp and logging
      event.context['requestTime'] =;
      print('${event.method} ${event.path}');
    onError: (error, stacktrace, event) {
      // Log errors to your monitoring service
      MyLogger.captureException(error, stacktrace, {
        'path': event.path,
        'method': event.method,
  var router = createRouter();

Example with authentication middleware:

void main() {
  var app = createApp(
    port: 5173,
    onRequest: (event) {
      // Skip auth for public routes
      if (event.path.startsWith('/public')) return;

      final token = event.headers.value('Authorization')?.replaceAll('Bearer ', '');
      if (token == null) {
        throw CreateError(message: 'Unauthorized', errorCode: 401);

      // Add user to context for route handlers
      event.context['user'] = verifyToken(token);
  var router = createRouter();

Param Routing

You can define parameters in your routes using : prefix:

router.get('/users/:id', (event) {
 final userId = event.params['id'];
 return 'User with id: $userId'

Wildcard Routing

// Matches 'articles/page1' and '/articles/page2' but not 'articles/page1/page2'
router.get('/articles/*', (event) {
 final path = event.path;
 return 'The tea is teaing!!'
// Matches 'articles/foo/bar' and 'articles/foo/bar/xen'
router.get('/articles/**', (event) {
 final path = event.path;
 return 'The tea is teaing!!'

More Examples

Multiple Routers with Base Paths

Organize your routes by creating multiple routers with different base paths:

void main() {
  var app = createApp(port: 3000);

  var mainRouter = createRouter();
  var apiRouter = createRouter();

  // Mount routers with different base paths
  app.use(mainRouter, basePath: '/');
  app.use(apiRouter, basePath: '/api');

  // Main routes
  mainRouter.get('/hello', (event) => {'message': 'Hello World'});

  // API routes
  apiRouter.get('/users', (event) => ['user1', 'user2']);'/auth', (event) async {
    var body = await readRequestBody(event);
    return body;

Request Context & Headers

Store request-specific data and handle headers:

void main() {
  var app = createApp(
    port: 3000,
    onRequest: (event) {
      // Store data in request context
      event.context["userId"] = "123";

      // Set CORS headers
      handleCors(event, origin: "", methods: "GET,POST");
    afterResponse: (event) {
      print("Response sent with status: ${event.statusCode}");

File Uploads

Handle file uploads to your server easily:

void main() {
  var app = createApp(port: 3000);
  var router = createRouter();
  app.use(router);"/upload", (event) async {
    var files = await readFiles(

      // Formdata field where your files are stored
      fieldName: 'file',

      // Optional: Set custom directory for uploaded files. (defaults to temp dir)
      customFilePath: 'uploads',

      // Optional: Hash filenames for security (defaults to false)
      // When false, files are prefixed with a naive hash.
      hashFileName: true,

      // Optional: Set max file size in MB (defaults to 10MB)
      maxFileSize: 5

    // Returned File obj contains: path, size, originalname, mimeType
    return {
      'message': 'Upload complete',
      'files': files

Form Data Processing

Handle multipart form-data:

void main() {
  var app = createApp(port: 3000);
  var router = createRouter();
  app.use(router);"/signup", (event) async {
    var formData = await readFormData(event);

    // Access form fields
    var username = formData.get('username');
    var password = formData.get('password');

    // Get multiple values
    var interests = formData.getAll('interests');

    return {
      'user': username,
      'interests': interests

Error Handling

Implement robust error handling:

void main() {
  var app = createApp(
    port: 3000,
    onError: (error, stacktrace, event) {
      print("Error occurred: $error");
  var router = createRouter();

  router.get("/risky-operation", (event) async {
    try {
      // Potentially failing operation
      throw Exception("Something went wrong");
    } catch (e) {
      throw CreateError(
        message: "Operation failed: $e",
        errorCode: 400

The client will recieve a JSON payload -

	"status": 400,
	"message": "Operation failed {error Message}"


You can contribute by

  • Improving the test coverage of this library,

  • Adding a helpful utility, for inspiration see here.

  • Sharing benchmarks with other libraries.

Running tests

In the root directory run

dart test

Code of Conduct.

Be cool and calm.