The dotfiles are managed by chezmoi.
The setup relies on systemd with uwsm to manage graphical session startup. The shell profile is used instead of a display manager.
Most apps are started either as systemd services, or by using xdg-autostart desktop files (uwsm allows this).
- OS: Arch Linux
- Desktop: Hyprland
- Status bar: Waybar
- Shell: Zsh with pure prompt
- Terminal: Foot
- Browser: Firefox (flatpak: org.mozilla.firefox)
- Editor: Neovim (with lazyvim)
- Launcher: Fuzzel
- Notifications: mako (keyboard, wireplumber, backlight notification scripts)
- File manager: pcmanfm-qt and nnn with nerd icons (wrapper script)
- lockscreen and idle daemon: Hyprlock + Hypridle
- Wallpaper: Hyprpaper (swww-like script)
- Nightlight: Hyprsunset (toggle script)
- Power menu: dmenu script
- Image viewer: swayimg
- Music player: mpd+mpc+slightly modified fzmp script
- Fonts: Fira Code-nerd, Awesome, Noto fonts, Noto fonts-emoji
- Some flatpaks inside hyprland and waybar configs: com.github.wwmm.easyeffects org.pipewire.Helvum org.telegram.desktop pw.mmk.OpenFreebuds org.gnome.clocks org.keepassxc.KeePassXC
- The rest: Hyprland default apps listed inside the config
- Theme: Custom crimson theme
- Cursor: Bibata-vampiric (Bibata cursor with the custom colours)
- Icon theme: Papirus Dark