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Amir Ali Omidi edited this page Mar 5, 2018 · 2 revisions

The Menu API allows you to create inline keyboards easily.

To use this MenuAPI you need to include it in your pom.xml:


To build a SimpleMenu:

SimpleMenu menu = SimpleMenu.builder().bot(telegramBot).build();

With this method, you're essentially bootstrapping a Menu. Once that is done, you can add a row of buttons to this Menu using the menu#addRow method.

For example:

AtomicInteger integer = new AtomicInteger();
           .onPress((simpleMenuButton, callbackQueryEvent) -> {
                    simpleMenuButton.setLabel("Another Test: " + integer.getAndIncrement());
                    return true;

Once this is complete, we have to essentially tell the API who we want to display this menu to. This is simply done using:


And finally, we register it:

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