This task will be available to you in 3 parts :
- Beginner - Mock data parsing :- In this level we will provide you with a .csv file containing the list of articles and you have to create a list view of those articles
- Intermediate - Local json parsing :- Here we will provide you with a local json to parse the articles.
- Advance - API data fetching :- Here you will fetch data from a particular API
It is very important to do this task as this task will serve as the base for our next Flutter Session
Go through all the README.MD files very carefully. It contains all the instructions of the task.
- Fork this repo to your Github account.
- Clone your repo to your local machine
- Switch to the respective task branch - (beginner,intermediate,advance)
- Go through README.MD of that branch. It will contain detailed instructions regarding the task.
- Commit your changes.
- Push your commits to remote repo
- Share your repo link with the TA's after completing your task
- Update your forked repo regularly for updates on the task
It is expected that you will complete the task in a timely manner.
You have to read all the articles provided to you. Those articles will help you in completing the task.
Quiz will be held after task completion.It will based on the resources provided (articles/videos) and task understanding
Top performer will get an exciting prize as a token of appreciation
Switch to the beginner branch and go through its README.MD