This library allows you to programatically talk to Linksys Smart Wi-Fi routers that use HNAP (or JNAP, I'm not really sure what it's called).
Run this at the command line:
pip install git+git://
Download the script in the demo folder of this repo
Assuming your router is at
python demo/ 2> /dev/null
Enter your password when prompted. You can enter an invalid password, and the router will just complain on all the actions that require authorization.
The reason I redirected stderr to /dev/null is it will warn that SSL verification is off constantly. SSL verification fails because the router's cert is not trusted. You could forego the stderr redirect if you want to see the warnings. You could also use http:// in front of your router's IP address.
The demo script is well documented and uses all of the features I bothered to implement. It serves as a better tutorial than I have the time to write right now. Nonetheless, here is a quick synopsis of some key features
# import the library
from jnap.router import Linksys
# set up a router connection with an optional admin password
router = Linksys(IP_ADDRESS, pw="PASSWORD")
# now you can just call actions that I've implemented, like...
# check if the router has a default password
# test a password string against the admin password to see if they
# match
All of the methods jnap/ are well documented in the comments. Here is the documentation as it appears in the comments. These can all be called on the router instance.
password - set the password to use for authentication
args - pw - password string
uname - defaults to admin. I don't think anything
else will work
rets - none
check_password - Check whether a supplied string is the admin password
of the router. Yes, that's a thing.
args - pw - the password to test
[user] - the username (defaults to "admin"). this is
optional and I'm not sure if any other user name
would actually work here, although technically
these routers support more than one user.
rets - same as do_action
has_default_password - Check whether the router still has its default password.
Yes, that's a thing. I believe these routers are not
hardcoded, they come with per-unit passwords printed on
a sticker.
args - none
rets - same as do_action
get_users - list all the router's users. Generally just "admin" and "guest"
args - none
rets - same as do_action
get_device_info - get a bunch of summary info about the device
args - none
rets - same as do_action
stop_ping - stop pinging
args - none
rets - same as do_action
notes - authentiation required
start_ping - start pinging something
args - host - host to ping
byte_size - optional int between 32 and 65500 to specify
ping payload size
count - number of pings to send. (None for indefinite!)
rets - same as do_action
notes - authentication required
get_ping_status - check on how a ping action is going
args - none
rets - same as do_action
notes - authentication required
start_traceroute - start tracerouteing to some host
args - host - a hostname or IPv4 addr string
rets - same as do_action
notes - authentication required
stop_traceroute - stop a traceroute action
args - none
rets - same as do_action
notes - authentication required
get_traceroute_status - get the status of a traceroute action
args - none
rets - same as do-action
notes - authentication required
All of the above methods are implemented by calling the following helper method, so you can easily add support for JNAP API calls you want to make:
do_action - Perform a specific API call. This is a helper function
used to build the methods below.
args - action - the action to perform
- [headers] - any additional header values to send
- [data] - optional POST data. Weirdly doesn't work with a
dict, so "{}" has to be in quotes. I think that might
have to do with the requests library, but I haven't looked
under the hood at whether it's replacing {} with nothing.
That seems to be what's going on based on the HTTP traffic.
rets - returns a response to the HTTP POST request (see requests library)
notes - maybe I should make this return the JSON