Writeups for Pico CTF 2017 capture the flag hacking compeition
- Level 1
- Bash Loop (40 Pts)
- [Just No] (40 Pts)
- Level 2
- Shellz (55 Pts)
- Shells (70 Pts)
- Guess The Number (75 Pts)
- Ive Got A Secret (75 Pts)
- Flagsay 1 (80 Pts)
- VR Gear Console (90 Pts)
- Level 3
- Config Console (125 Pts)
- [Enter The Matrix] (150 Pts)
- [Chat Logger] (200 Pts)
- Level 4
- Flagsay 2 (150 Pts)
- Aggregator (190 Pts)
- [Deeper Into The Matrix] (200 Pts)
- [Contact Helper] (225 Pts)
- Level 1
- [Keys] (20 Pts)
- [Substitute] (40 Pts)
- [Hash101] (50 Pts)
- [computeAES] (50 Pts)
- [computeRSA] (50 Pts)
- Level 2
- [SoRandom] (75 Pts)
- [LeakedHashes] (90 Pts)
- [Weird RSA] (90 Pts)
- Level 3
- [HashChain] (90 Pts)
- [Broadcast] (120 Pts)
- [smallRSA] (120 Pts)
- Level 4
- Level 1
- [Digital Camouflage] (50 pts)
- [Special Agen User] (50 Pts)
- Level 2
- [Meta Find Me] (70 Pts)
- [Little School Bus] (75 Pts)
- [Just Keyp Typing] (80 Pts)
- Level 3
- [Connect The Wiggle] (140 Pts)
- Level 4
- Puzzlingly Accountable (100 Pts)
- Level 1
- [Internet Kitties] (10 Pts)
- [Piazza] (10 Pts)
- [Leaf Of The Tree] (20 Pts)
- [Looooong] (20 Pts)
- [Leaf Of The Forest] (30 Pts)
- [WorldChat] (30 Pts)
- Level 2
- Yarn (55 Pts)
- [Mystery Box] (60 Pts)
- Level 1
- [Hex2Raw] (20 Pts)
- [Raw2Hex] (20 Pts)
- Level 2
- [A Thing Called The Stack] (60 Pts)
- [Programmers Assemble] (75 Pts)
- Level 3
- [JSut Duck It Up] (100 Pts)
- [Coffee] (115 Pts)
- [Much Ado About Hacking] (165 Pts)
- Level 4
- [MIPS] (140 Pts)
- Forest (200 Pts)
- Level 1
- [What is Web] (20 Pts)
- Level 2
- [My First SQL] (50 Pts)
- [TW_GR_E1_ART] (100 Pts)
- [TW_GR_E2_EoTDS] (120 Pts)
- Level 3
- [Biscuit] (75 Pts)
- [A Happy Union] (110 Pts)
- No Eyes (125 Pts)
- [TW_GR_E3_GtI] (180 Pts)
- Level 4
- [A Kaley Ceilidh] (175 Pts)
- TW_GR_E4_STW (200 Pts)
- Level 1
- [Lazy Dev] (50 Pts)
- Level 2
- [Missing Identity] (100 Pts)
- Level 3
- [WAR] (125 Pts)
- Level 4
- [weirderRSA] (175 Pts)
- Final
- [choose] (150 Pts)