Project created for advanced database modelling - subjectgiven in WWSI Warsaw on Big Data specialization in computer science masters Database model created for hypothethical 3d printer company that receives orders to print sets of Company has multiple branches each can have multiple printers, each branch is working 3 8h shifts 5 days a week Each printer may break and we are required to keep track on when and where the printer broke, also printer can have multiple failures in the same period of time and they can be of diffrent duration and can overlap. Status 0 means it works other statuses are pointing out diffrent states of repair
Database need to support set of prespecified queries that will be listed below #Database Model
alter FUNCTION addShiftsDataFunct
@dateFrom DateTime, @dateTo DateTime)
shiftNumber INT, fullDate DateTime
-- first using other function we get the shift number that we start from
declare @shift_number int;
SET @shift_number = (select [dbo].[getShiftOfDateFunct] (@dateFrom)) ;
-- now we need to specify when the shift that during which @dateFrom had been had started (beginning of this particular shift)
-- so we delete all other data about time and set only what we care taken from
declare @modifiedDateTime DateTime;
declare @first_shift_start DateTime;
SET @first_shift_start = @dateFrom;
SET @first_shift_start = DateAdd(mi,- (DatePart(mi,@first_shift_start)), @first_shift_start) ;
SET @first_shift_start = DateAdd(ss,- (DatePart(ss,@first_shift_start)), @first_shift_start) ;
SET @first_shift_start = DateAdd(ms,- (DatePart(ms,@first_shift_start)), @first_shift_start) ;
declare @hours int;
set @hours = (case when @shift_number= 1 then ( select top 1 startHour from Shift where shiftNumber = 1)
when @shift_number= 2 then ( select top 1 startHour from Shift where shiftNumber = 2)
else ( select top 1 startHour from Shift where @shift_number = 3)
SET @modifiedDateTime = DateAdd(hh,- (DatePart(hh,@first_shift_start))+@hours, @first_shift_start) ;
--first we will add 480 minute to the date until it will reach final date starting from the bagining of the shift we are currently in
with shifts as
(select @modifiedDateTime as fullDate,@shift_number as shiftNumber
union all
select DATEADD(hh,8,fullDate) as fullDate, ( case when shiftNumber = 3 then 1 else shiftNumber+1 end ) as shiftNumber
from shifts
where fullDate <@dateTo)
--now we filter all non working days - sundays and saturdays
,onlyWorkingDays as (select * from shifts where DATEPART(dw,fullDate) not in (1,7) )
-- now we need to associate the date times with particular shifts
INSERT INTO @ResultTable
SELECT shiftNumber,fullDate from onlyWorkingDays option (maxrecursion 32767)
create function getCountOfShifts (
@dateFrom DateTime, @dateTo DateTime)
returns int
--this points how many shofts we had between two specified time points
declare @shift_number int;
set @shift_number= (select COUNT(fullDate) from [dbo].[addShiftsDataFunct]( @dateFrom,@dateTo) )
return @shift_number
alter FUNCTION dataFailureOverlapC
@dateFrom DateTime, @dateTo DateTime)
idBreaking INT, idEveryPrinter INT, dateMin DateTime, dateMax DateTime, newestPre DateTime ,newestEnd DateTime
with prim as ( select idBreaking,idEveryPrinter, min(dateTimeOfStatusChange) as dateMin, max(dateTimeOfStatusChange) as dateMax from PrinterStatusLog
where idBreaking in (select distinct p1.idBreaking from PrinterStatusLog as p1 where dateTimeOfStatusChange between @dateFrom AND @dateTo ) group by idBreaking, idEveryPrinter)
,diffr as(select *, DATEDIFF(D, dateMin,dateMax) as failureIntervalTime from prim)
--so now we have to establish are those periods overlapping if so set corrected begin an end dates
-- first we will dublicate the date min and date max column so later it will make us finding the overl
,dobl as (select dateMin as dateMinB ,dateMax as dateMaxB from diffr)
--below we are looking for new begining and end dates of each intervals weather they are encompassed in any other interval if they are we will return the beginning or end date of this encompassing interval
--there may be also the case that the new begining and end dates are still in some intervals hence we need to establish in which intervals we have overlapping so
--each case we have a begining date and look is it in some other interval - some other idBreaking - this may return multiple id breaking we do it for all of the id breaking with both begining and end time
-- so we will repeat procedure
,tri as (select *, newPre=(select top 1 dateMinB from dobl where dateMin between dateMinB And dateMaxB Order by dateMinB asc), newEnd = (select top 1 dateMaxB from dobl where dateMax between dateMinB And dateMaxB Order by dateMaxB desc) from diffr)
,triB as (select newPre as newPreB, newEnd as newEndB from tri)
-- now we need to do it one more time in case we have deeply nested structure
,tetra as (select idBreaking,idEveryPrinter, dateMin,dateMax, newestPre=(select top 1 newPreB from triB where newPre between newPreB And newEndB Order by newPreB asc), newestEnd = (select top 1 newEndB from triB where newEnd between newPreB And newEndB Order by newEndB desc) from tri)
INSERT INTO @ResultTable
SELECT idBreaking,idEveryPrinter, dateMin,dateMax,newestPre,newestEnd from tetra
CREATE FUNCTION dataFailureOverlapGivenPrinter
@dateFrom DateTime, @dateTo DateTime, @idPrinter int)
idBreaking INT, dateMin DateTime, dateMax DateTime, newestPre DateTime ,newestEnd DateTime
with prim as ( select idBreaking, min(dateTimeOfStatusChange) as dateMin, max(dateTimeOfStatusChange) as dateMax from PrinterStatusLog
where idBreaking in (select distinct p1.idBreaking from PrinterStatusLog as p1 where dateTimeOfStatusChange between @dateFrom AND @dateTo ) and idEveryPrinter = @idPrinter group by idBreaking)
,diffr as(select *, DATEDIFF(D, dateMin,dateMax) as failureIntervalTime from prim)
--so now we have to establish are those periods overlapping if so set corrected begin an end dates
-- first we will dublicate the date min and date max column so later it will make us finding the overl
,dobl as (select dateMin as dateMinB ,dateMax as dateMaxB from diffr)
--below we are looking for new begining and end dates of each intervals weather they are encompassed in any other interval if they are we will return the beginning or end date of this encompassing interval
--there may be also the case that the new begining and end dates are still in some intervals hence we need to establish in which intervals we have overlapping so
--each case we have a begining date and look is it in some other interval - some other idBreaking - this may return multiple id breaking we do it for all of the id breaking with both begining and end time
-- so we will repeat procedure
,tri as (select *, newPre=(select top 1 dateMinB from dobl where dateMin between dateMinB And dateMaxB Order by dateMinB asc), newEnd = (select top 1 dateMaxB from dobl where dateMax between dateMinB And dateMaxB Order by dateMaxB desc) from diffr)
,triB as (select newPre as newPreB, newEnd as newEndB from tri)
-- now we need to do it one more time in case we have deeply nested structure
,tetra as (select idBreaking,dateMin,dateMax, newestPre=(select top 1 newPreB from triB where newPre between newPreB And newEndB Order by newPreB asc), newestEnd = (select top 1 newEndB from triB where newEnd between newPreB And newEndB Order by newEndB desc) from tri)
INSERT INTO @ResultTable
SELECT idBreaking,dateMin,dateMax,newestPre,newestEnd from tetra
alter function getShiftOfDateFunct (@dateFrom DateTime) returns int
-- we will specify here beginning and the end of shifts HOURS !! one and two in case we are not in shift one or two we are in shift 3
declare @shiftOneStart int;
declare @shiftOneEnd int;
declare @shift_number int;
set @shiftOneStart = (select startHour from Shift where shiftNumber =1 );
set @shiftOneEnd= @shiftOneStart+ (select shiftLength from Shift where shiftNumber =1 )/60;
declare @shiftTwoStart int;
declare @shiftTwoEnd int;
set @shiftTwoStart = (select startHour from Shift where shiftNumber =2 );
set @shiftTwoEnd= @shiftTwoStart+ (select shiftLength from Shift where shiftNumber =2 )/60;
--we need to establish with which shift we start
set @shift_number = (case when DATEPART(hh,@dateFrom) between @shiftOneStart and @shiftOneEnd then 1
when DATEPART(hh,@dateFrom) between @shiftTwoStart and @shiftTwoEnd then 2
else 3
return @shift_number
--Wskaż na jakiej zmianie dane urządzenie uległo awarii
select [dbo].[getShiftOfDateFunct](datemin) from dataFailureOverlapC('2020-04-01 00:00:00','2020-12-02 23:59:59') where idBreaking = 1
--Wskaż na jakiej zmianie maszyna została naprawiona
select [dbo].[getShiftOfDateFunct](datemax) from dataFailureOverlapC('2020-04-01 00:00:00','2020-12-02 23:59:59') where idBreaking = 1
--Wskaż jaki był czas postoju danego urządzenia w ciągu zadanego okresu czasu.
with prim as (select distinct newestPre, newestEnd from dataFailureOverlapC('2020-04-01 00:00:00','2020-12-02 23:59:59'))
select sum(DATEDIFF(dd,newestPre, newestEnd)) from prim
--Wskaż jaki był czas postoju danego urządzenia w ciągu zadanego okresu czasu nie wliczając w to czasu kiedy zakład produkcyjny nie pracował (weekendy)
so i will just sum duration of all shifts related to failure
--Jaki był sumaryczny czas postoju wszystkich urządzeń w ciągu zadanego okresu czasu nie wliczając w to czasu kiedy zakład produkcyjny nie pracował (weekendy)
so i will just sum duration of all shifts related to failure
--Wskaż oddział w którym w 2020 roku urządzenia psuły się najczęściej

## query 7 in which company branch the time where printers were broken was longest
--Wskaż oddział w którym w 2020 roku był najdłuższy czas postoju urządzeń.
with prim as (select distinct newestPre, newestEnd, idEveryPrinter from dataFailureOverlapC('2019-04-01 00:00:00','2023-12-02 23:59:59') )
select companyBranch , sum([dbo].[getCountOfShifts](newestPre, newestEnd)*8/24) as timeOfBroken from prim
join [dbo].[EveryPrinter] on prim.idEveryPrinter = EveryPrinter.idEveryPrinter group by companyBranch order by timeOfBroken desc
--Ile % urządzeń jest w poszczególnej fazach awarii w stosunku do ilości wszystkich dostępnych
-- first we are getting all of the current statuses
with prim as ( select [printerStatus],[dateTimeOfStatusChange], [idEveryPrinter] as idP, [idBreaking] from [dbo].[PrinterStatusLog])
,freshStatus as (select idP , printerStatus,dateTimeOfStatusChange as freshDate
from prim
where dateTimeOfStatusChange = (select top 1 dateTimeOfStatusChange from [dbo].[PrinterStatusLog]
where idP = idEveryPrinter
order by dateTimeOfStatusChange desc ) )
-- now we prepare the number of the printers available
,connected AS (select * from freshStatus FULL join EveryPrinter ON EveryPrinter.idEveryPrinter = freshStatus.idP)
,withPrinterNumberPerBranch as (select *, count(idP) over(partition by companyBranch) as numberOfPrinters from connected)
,withPrinterNumberPerStatus as (select *, count(idP) over(partition by companyBranch, printerStatus) as numberInEachStaus from withPrinterNumberPerBranch)
select *, (CAST( numberInEachStaus as FLOAT) / numberOfPrinters) as percent_in_status from withPrinterNumberPerStatus
--Wskaż na ilu zmianach nie pracowała maszyna (wliczając to zmianę na której zgłoszono awarię i na której uruchomiono ja znów produkcyjnie )
with prim as (select distinct newestPre, newestEnd from dataFailureOverlapGivenPrinter('2020-04-01 00:00:00','2020-12-02 23:59:59',1))
select sum([dbo].[getCountOfShifts](newestPre, newestEnd)) from prim
--Ile zamówień ma dany oddział do realizacji.
--first filtering only those that we have not yet completed printing
with prim as (select * from [dbo].[OrderHistory] where [dateTimeOfCompletion] is null )
select distinct companyBranch, count(idOrderHistory) over (partition by companyBranch) as numberOfNotCompleted from prim
--Jaki będzie łączny czas drukowania zleconych oddziałowi elementów.
-- selecting only non completed orders for printer 1 joining data about element sets that are not yet completed
with prim as (select [dateTimeOfIssuing],[quantity],idElement as idEl from [dbo].[OrderHistory] join SetDetail on [dbo].[OrderHistory].ChosenSet = SetDetail.idSet
where [dateTimeOfCompletion] is null And idPrinter =1)
-- we add data about how many minutes element needs in order to be printed
, dobl as ( select * from prim join [dbo].[Element] on Element.IdElement = prim.idEl)
--choosing only needed columns to clean up
,tri as (select [dateTimeOfIssuing],[quantity] ,[timeOfPrintMInutes] from dobl)
-- multiplying time of print of an element with amount of this element
, tetra as (select [dateTimeOfIssuing], [quantity]*[timeOfPrintMInutes] as totalTime from tri )
-- now we choose earlier date related to not completed order and sum all of the time required to complete what we have to do
select SUM(totalTime) from tetra
result is in minutes
Is it possible to admit new order to be completed in 36 hours --Czy jest możliwe przyjęcie zgłoszenia zamówienia w danym oddziale aby było zrealizowane w ciągu 36 h roboczych.
main function
--@compBranch number of company branch that we are intrested in
ALTER function [dbo].[timeToPrint] (@compBranch int) returns int
declare @shiftLengthInMinutes int;
set @shiftLengthInMinutes = 8*60;
-- first we need to establish how many printers this company branch have
declare @numberOfPrinters int;
set @numberOfPrinters = (select COUNT(*) from EveryPrinter where companyBranch = @compBranch) ;
declare @dateFrom DateTime; -- the date of earliest non completed order
declare @minutesToComlete int;
-- below quantities were caclulated using the
set @minutesToComlete = (select timeRes from timeToPrintHelper (@compBranch , @numberOfPrinters ));-- how many minutes it would ake us to complete this (ignoring presennce of weekends ...)
set @dateFrom = (select minDate from timeToPrintHelper (@compBranch , @numberOfPrinters ));-- the earliest date of not completed order
--- setting the begining of the shift when we had the order accepted
declare @dateTimeOfFirstShiftBeginning DateTime;
set @dateTimeOfFirstShiftBeginning = [dbo].[giveBeginingOfShift](@dateFrom);
-- now we need to calculate the time left in a shift on which the order was registered in minutes
declare @minutesOnFirstShiftLeft int;
set @minutesOnFirstShiftLeft = @shiftLengthInMinutes - DATEDIFF ( mi , @dateTimeOfFirstShiftBeginning , @dateFrom ) ;
-- time left needed after first shift to complete all tasks
declare @timeMinusFirstShift int;
set @timeMinusFirstShift = @minutesToComlete - @minutesOnFirstShiftLeft;
-- subtracting from total time @minutesOnFirstShiftLeft and calculating how many full 8 hour shifts we still need and how many minutes on the last shift we will need
declare @fullShiftsNumber int;
set @fullShiftsNumber = (SELECT @timeMinusFirstShift / @shiftLengthInMinutes AS Integer);
declare @minutesInLastShift int;
set @minutesInLastShift = (SELECT @timeMinusFirstShift % @shiftLengthInMinutes AS Remainder);
-- below we calculate the minutes related to shifts during which we would print
declare @finalDate DateTime;
set @finalDate = (select [dbo].[getFinalShiftDate] (@fullShiftsNumber ,@dateFrom ) );
-- now we need to add minutes to the final date as we have only the begining of the last shift for now
declare @finalDateTime DateTime;
set @finalDateTime = DATEADD(MINUTE,@minutesInLastShift,@finalDate );
return DATEDIFF(HH,@dateFrom, @finalDateTime )
helper functions
ALTER function [dbo].[timeToPrintHelper] (@compBranch int, @numberOfPrinters int)
RETURNS TABLE as return (
-- selecting only non completed orders for company brach 1 joining data about element sets that are not yet completed
with prim as (select [dateTimeOfCompletion],[dateTimeOfIssuing],[quantity],idElement as idEl, [idPrinter] from [dbo].[OrderHistory] join SetDetail on [dbo].[OrderHistory].ChosenSet = SetDetail.idSet)
,primB as ( select * from prim join [dbo].[EveryPrinter] on prim.[idPrinter] = EveryPrinter.idEveryPrinter where [dateTimeOfCompletion] is null And [companyBranch] =@compBranch)
-- we add data about how many minutes element needs in order to be printed
, dobl as ( select * from prim join [dbo].[Element] on Element.IdElement = prim.idEl)
--choosing only needed columns to clean up
,tri as (select [dateTimeOfIssuing],[quantity] ,[timeOfPrintMInutes] from dobl)
-- multiplying time of print of an element with amount of this element
, tetra as (select [dateTimeOfIssuing], [quantity]*[timeOfPrintMInutes] as totalTime from tri )
-- now we choose earlier date related to not completed order and sum all of the time required to complete what we have to do
,fifth as (select cast(SUM(totalTime) as float)/@numberOfPrinters as timeRes, MIN([dateTimeOfIssuing]) as minDate from tetra)
-- i need to diveide the time by the amount of printers available in a branch; ad calculate the added time excluding weekends as was earlier done ...
-- how many minutes it would ake us to complete this (ignoring presennce of weekends ...)
-- now we need to calculate the time between
select * from fifth)
ALTER function [dbo].[getFinalShiftDate] (@fullShiftsNumber int,@dateFrom DateTime ) returns DateTime
declare @modifiedDateTime DateTime;
set @modifiedDateTime = (select fullDate from [dbo].[giveLastShiftBegining] (@fullShiftsNumber ,@dateFrom ) where rowN =@fullShiftsNumber+1 )
return @modifiedDateTime
select [dbo].[timeToPrint](1,0)
--Czy awaria danego urządzenia zagraża czasom poprawnej realizacji zleceń już zgłoszonych w danym oddziale.
select [dbo].[timeToPrint](1,1)
basically we just need what will happen when we will reduce the number of available printers to 1 less