JTO is a social network platform for gym goers, where they can update their training progress, upload images and share posts with friends.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
1- Clone the repo.
2- Install PostgresSQL server or if you have a server runining online, then you need the connection URL.
3- If you are using Visual studio code, then better to create a virtual enviroment as below : A- Create new python enviroment : "python -m venv env" ( for python 3 and above, virtualenv will be installed) (http://flask.pocoo.org/docs/1.0/installation/) B- Active the enviroment : go to "env/Scripts/" and run "activate.bat" or when start debugging using Visual Studio code.)
1- Activate the virtual enviroment. See above 3-A
2- Install requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt
3- Prepare the database
A- Create the database manually in PostgresSQL server
B- Run the following commands, one by one
- python manage.py db init
- python manage.py db migrate
- python manage.py db upgrade
C- for an online database (AWS for example), the following command will extract the SQL scripts :
- python manage.py db upgrade --sql > migration.sql
4- "Flask run" to start the project.
5- Click on "Create new account" and enjoy!! ^_^
No tests yet!
To deploy to AWS :
1- eb init
2- eb creat [app-name] ( needed for each branch)
3- eb deploy [jtoname] : example eb deploy jto11 ( should be more than 4)
To terminate and delete all created resources :
- eb terminate
- Jalal Khalil ([email protected])
- Orhun Vural
- Temirlan Ismukhanov