Welcome to my corner of the internet! I'm passionate about bringing social science research and technology together to create impactful solutions that benefit individuals and communities. Whether I'm doing coding, social research, or data analytics my goal is always to create and innovate with empathy and purpose.
I've just finished up learning full stack development and becoming a web developer with the Dev Academy team.
- Technical skills: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, Git, Github, Node JS, Auth0, SQLite, TypeScript, React, React Query, Res API
- Human skills: Addressing conflicts, navigating challenging conversations, and being attuned to the needs of others through engaging discussions on trust, wellbeing, diversity, bias, and other subjects.
I've listed some of the cool working projects that we completed at Dev Academy. Thsi includes group projects PieStar and the Troll Calculator and individual work on Dreamfest and WorldWide Routing. And my personal favourite, My fullstack collection, which was deployed on Dokku. Check it out: My tree collection.
- Building data-driven applications that bridge the gap between social research and software utilisation.
- Developing algorithms to analyse social behaviors and improve user experiences.
- Exploring how AI and machine learning can provide insights into human interactions and societal trends.
- Advanced data analystics techniques and software applications for social research.
- How to leverage applied software and data science for more inclusive, diverse, and socially aware tech solutions.
- Cultural, ethical, and social considerations that reside at the intersection of human society and technology.
- Projects that merge social science and tec, especially around public health or social justice.
- Research projects where data analytics, coding, and human-centered design can bring new perspectives.
- Building applied tools that empower groups and communities through good research, data, and technology.
- Good practices for integrating qualitative research with quantitative analysis in tech projects.
- Scaling machine learning models to handle social datasets without compromising ethical standards.
- Recommendations for open-source libraries or frameworks to improve social impact projects.
- The intersection of software development and social research.
- How technology can shape public policy or social movements.
- My experiences working on cross-disciplinary teams of developers and researchers.
- How to build ethical tech that respects privacy, diversity, and inclusion.
- LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/james-mcilraith/