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jamesu edited this page Sep 12, 2010 · 13 revisions


What is it?

Simply put, this is an collaborative organization tool,
inspired by a certain other collaborative organization tool.

The key feature is that you have “Pages” which can contain
any of the following content (or “widgets”):

  • Notes
  • Lists
  • Separators (or you can call them headings)
  • Files
  • Albums (collections of pictures)

These pages can be edited by yourself and any other
user you choose to share it to.
You can also re-order and move content between pages.

It also supports the following complimentary features

  • Reminders
  • Journals & Status (think Twitter)

Sounds great, but i need more.

No problem. Rucksack’s code is pretty simple to read, as it is heavily based on REST sprinkled with AJAX. Templates are written in HAML, and RJS handlers are heavily used to update the page (e.g. when you add or edit a widget).

Keep in mind though that since Rucksack is still in its early stages, the code might look like a complete mess in places.

Here are a few informative pages covering common issues which may arise during development.

Wait a second, i’m not a developer. I need help!

Then you have come to the right place. Here are a few informative pages covering common issues which may arise during usage of Rucksack.

Still need help? Then why not send me a message? If it’s anything that is a bug or a serious feature suggestion, then chances are it will be looked at.

Always keep in mind that since Rucksack is still in its early stages, nothing is guaranteed to work properly or as expected.