I'm Jamie Blomerus, a web developer from Örebro, Sweden, specializing in WordPress and accessibility in line with WCAG standards. My career includes roles from web developer at WCAG Networks to CEO and founder of Webbstart, focusing on secure, user-friendly web solutions. I'm fluent in Swedish and English, contributing to the WordPress community and plugins. I'm committed to sustainability in tech, actively involved with WPSustainable, a project aiming to reduce the carbon footprint of WordPress websites. My goal is to merge technical expertise with creative design for accessible, engaging, and environmentally responsible web experiences.
Check out my portfolio for more information about me.
I have 16 public repositories and 39 private repositories. I have in total made 1913 commits to my personal projects.
I have contributed to 19 repositories at my current job and created a total of 1346 commits.
- wcagnetworks - 21 commits
- Webbstart - 0 commits
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Last updated: 2025-03-14 00:02:06