- Setup a pyHS100 supported plug (see https://github.com/GadgetReactor/pyHS100/blob/master/README.md) with meter function and connect it to your network.
- Install the hyperledger composer enviroment on your machine (https://hyperledger.github.io/composer/v0.19/introduction/introduction.html) and start the playground:
- Build the business-network:
cd businessnetwork
npm install
cd ..
composer archive create --sourceType dir --sourceName businessnetwork -a smartsocket-network.bna
Next, import the business network.
- Create and start the rest API server:
composer-rest-server -c USER@NETWORKCARD -n required -u true
- Install python dependencies
usage: tplink.py [-h] [--ip PLUG_IP] --supplier SUPPLIER_ID --plug PLUG_ID
[--api-base APIBASE]
Run smart socket demo process
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--ip PLUG_IP ip address of the H110 compatible smart socket. If no
ip is given, the tool will try to discover sockets and
will use the first one found.
--supplier SUPPLIER_ID
EnergySupplier id
--plug PLUG_ID Plug id
--api-base APIBASE Base URI of the hyperledger composer REST api.
(default: http://localhost:3000/api/)
- Create at least one plug instance and one EnergySupplier instance.
- Make sure the business network is running and the rest API server is started correctly.
- Run the python script:
./tplink.py --supplier 1234 --plug 5678
Use control-C to stop the demo.
- Plug a load into the smart socket (eg. a light bulb)
- As you can see, the smart socket will switch on after a given time (and off again), a bonus instance and an energy amount instance is created (see the composer playground). After that, the bonus and consumption values are multiplied and added to the current balance of the plug.