A minimal server providing a read-only version of cake for javaBin regions to be able to find possible speakers for local talks.
For frontend - see frosting
Always lots to do - but - before we can release this:
- Some tests would be nice :)
Gradle application using ktor.
You will require env variables:
SLACK_SECRET=<client secret>
SLACK_BOT_TOKEN=<app bot token>
SLACK_CHANNEL_NAME=<channel name>
JWT_SECRET=<jwt secret - defaults to "secret" - should be set to something else via env for deployments>
JWT_REDIRECT=URL for redirect on successful login - optional - defaults to "/"
Note - if using slack authorization locally (JWT_ENABLED=true) you will have to expose your localhost frosting instance via something like ngrok (free version is more than good enough) and add your exposed callback URL to the slack app's accepted list of callback URLs.
You must then access the site via the exposed URL.
Slack does not support localhost or http protocol.
If you are not running with auth then localhost is fine.
Assuming we will build a docker container - add to backend action when decided.
This application requires a slack app that provides two functions:
- OIDC login
- A bot that can check channel membership
This is currently provided via the javaBinAccess app.
App manifest:
"display_information": {
"name": "javaBinAccess",
"description": "Access bot for javaBin",
"background_color": "#2121cf"
"features": {
"bot_user": {
"display_name": "javaBinAccess",
"always_online": true
"oauth_config": {
"redirect_urls": [
"<list of allowed callback URLs>"
"scopes": {
"user": [
"bot": [
"settings": {
"org_deploy_enabled": false,
"socket_mode_enabled": false,
"token_rotation_enabled": false
To find the environment settings required:
- Client ID and Client Secret from the slack app > Settings > Basic Information
- Bot User OAuth Token token from the slack app > Features > OAuth & Permissions
- Channel ID - right click channel - channel details - ID is at the end of the dialog
- Channel Name - just the channel name with leading #