Active systems for JavaZone:
Currently -
Planned -
Currently - and
Planned -
Sleeping Pill is the main data store for all JavaZone talks.
It is used by Cake, SubmitIt, the website and the mobile apps to provide the data for each year.
Current repository:
Cake is the interface used by pcom to evaluate and schedule CFPs for each year.
It allows searching, filtering and tagging of talks.
Uses Sleeping Pill as data store.
Current repository:
This is the system that handles JavaZone call for papers each year.
Uses Sleeping Pill as data store.
Current repository:
This app provides signup for workshops and JavaZone kids.
Current repository:
Provides the info screens at JavaZone.
Current repository:
- under development - not yet in use *
A simpler cake providing read-only access to SP for the regions.
Current repositories:
Backend - cupcake Frontend - frosting
- under development - not yet in use *
Searchable history with links to videos (where available) for all data we have available back to 2007.
Current repository:
The architecture diagram in mermaid is still in beta and displays strangely - hoping that this will improve :)
group aws(cloud)[AWS]
group vercel(cloud)[Vercel]
group mobile(internet)[Mobile Apps]
service sleepingPill(server)[MoreSleep] in aws
service database(database)[Postgres] in aws
service submitIt(server)[SubmitTheThird] in aws
service cake(server)[Cake Redux] in aws
service cupcake(server)[Cupcake] in aws
service frosting(server)[Frosting] in aws
service web(server)[Web] in vercel
service iOS(internet)[iOS] in mobile
service android(internet)[Android] in mobile
junction awsJunction in aws
junction cakeJunction in aws
database:T -- B:sleepingPill
awsJunction:B -- T:sleepingPill
submitIt:R -- L:awsJunction
cakeJunction:L -- R:awsJunction
cakeJunction:R -- L:cake
cakeJunction:B -- T:cupcake
cupcake:B -- T:frosting
web:R -- L:sleepingPill
iOS:L -- R:sleepingPill
android:L -- R:sleepingPill
Current repository: