- FOAP0001: Wrong number of arguments.
- FOAR0001: Division by zero.
- FOAR0002: Numeric operation overflow/underflow.
- FOAY0001: Array index out of bounds.
- FOAY0002: Negative array length.
- FOCA0001: Input value too large for decimal.
- FOCA0002: Invalid lexical value.
- FOCA0003: Input value too large for integer.
- FOCA0005: NaN supplied as float/double value.
- FOCA0006: String to be cast to decimal has too many digits of precision.
- FOCH0001: Codepoint not valid.
- FOCH0002: Unsupported collation.
- FOCH0003: Unsupported normalization form.
- FOCH0004: Collation does not support collation units.
- FODC0001: No context document.
- FODC0002: Error retrieving resource.
- FODC0003: Function not defined as deterministic.
- FODC0004: Invalid collection URI.
- FODC0005: Invalid argument to fn:doc or fn:doc-available.
- FODC0006: String passed to fn:parse-xml is not a well-formed XML document.
- FODC0010: The processor does not support serialization.
- FODF1280: Invalid decimal format name.
- FODF1310: Invalid decimal format picture string.
- FODT0001: Overflow/underflow in date/time operation.
- FODT0002: Overflow/underflow in duration operation.
- FODT0003: Invalid timezone value.
- FOER0000: Unidentified error.
- FOFD1340: Invalid date/time formatting parameters.
- FOFD1350: Invalid date/time formatting component.
- FOJS0001: JSON syntax error.
- FOJS0003: JSON duplicate keys.
- FOJS0004: JSON: not schema-aware.
- FOJS0005: Invalid options.
- FOJS0006: Invalid XML representation of JSON.
- FOJS0007: Bad JSON escape sequence.
- FONS0004: No namespace found for prefix.
- FONS0005: Base-uri not defined in the static context.
- FOQM0001: Module URI is a zero-length string.
- FOQM0002: Module URI not found.
- FOQM0003: Static error in dynamically-loaded XQuery module.
- FOQM0005: Parameter for dynamically-loaded XQuery module has incorrect type.
- FOQM0006: No suitable XQuery processor available.
- FORG0001: Invalid value for cast/constructor.
- FORG0002: Invalid argument to fn:resolve-uri().
- FORG0003: fn:zero-or-one called with a sequence containing more than one item.
- FORG0004: fn:one-or-more called with a sequence containing no items.
- FORG0005: fn:exactly-one called with a sequence containing zero or more than one item.
- FORG0006: Invalid argument type.
- FORG0008: The two arguments to fn:dateTime have inconsistent timezones.
- FORG0009: Error in resolving a relative URI against a base URI in fn:resolve-uri.
- FORG0010: Invalid date/time.
- FORX0001: Invalid regular expression flags.
- FORX0002: Invalid regular expression.
- FORX0003: Regular expression matches zero-length string.
- FORX0004: Invalid replacement string.
- FOTY0012: Argument to fn:data() contains a node that does not have a typed value.
- FOTY0013: The argument to fn:data() contains a function item.
- FOTY0014: The argument to fn:string() is a function item.
- FOTY0015: An argument to fn:deep-equal() contains a function item.
- FOUT1170: Invalid $href argument to fn:unparsed-text() (etc.)
- FOUT1190: Cannot decode resource retrieved by fn:unparsed-text() (etc.)
- FOUT1200: Cannot infer encoding of resource retrieved by fn:unparsed-text() (etc.)
- FOXT0001: No suitable XSLT processor available.
- FOXT0002: Invalid parameters to XSLT transformation.
- FOXT0003: XSLT transformation failed.
- FOXT0004: XSLT transformation has been disabled.
- FOXT0006: XSLT output contains non-accepted characters.
- XPST0003: Syntax error.
npm install xx-err --save
const err = require('xx-err');
// ...
if (/*something wrong*/) err.XPST0003('Something went wrong...');
// - this throws the following Error:
// err:XPST0003, Syntax error. Something went wrong...
// see https://www.w3.org/TR/xpath-31/#ERRXPST0003
err.XPST0003(str, obj);
- a string to be included in the error'smessage
- additional data to attach to the error object.
try {
err.XPST0003('Oops!', { row: 2, col: 5 });
catch (e) {
console.log(e.code); // XPST0003
// err:XPST0003, Syntax error. Oops!
// see https://www.w3.org/TR/xpath-31/#ERRXPST0003
console.log(e.row); // 2
console.log(e.col); // 5