A demo project of FreeRTOS with CubeMX running on a STM32F4 Discovery board. In this project STM32F4 interfacing with Gyroscope and USB
- F4-Gyro : Gyroscope with USB VCOM (USB-CDC)
- F4-Gyro-RTOS: Converting Gyroscope with USB VCOM example to RTOS based
- A PC running Windows.
- A STM32F4Discovery board.
- Keil uVision5.
- USB Cable & other tools.
The Keil uVision5 for ARM can be downloaded from its website. It's available for only Windows. For personal and education purpose, you can use MDK-Lite version with Code size restricted to 32 Kbyte.
Grab the official utility from ST website. Note that you should install the USB driver before install the st-util.
Grab the official driver from ST website
Open *.uvprojx on MDK-ARM folder and press F7 button.
Connect your STM32F4Discovery with a USB cable.
Press Ctrl + F5
Set breakpoint triggered at main
function, and enjoy!