Azure resource manager templates for deployments to the Azure cloud. There are 3 templates available. Each Template does differnet networking models, but do the following commmon tasks:
- Create VNET
- Create subnets inside the VNET
- Setup private DNS servers for the VNET subnets
There are then 3 differnet networking options:
- IPSec VPN only from VNET to your private data center/campus
- Expressroute only from VNET to your private data center/campus
- Expressroute + IPSec VPN from VNET to your private data center/campus
This template allows you to create a VNET with subnets, custom DNS, and ipsec VPN to an existing Azure resource group. NOTE: Resource group must be created first.
This allows the complete fresh or incremental creation of a VNET with subnets in a single region as part of a resource group.
azure config mode arm
azure group create -n "MY-VNET-RG" -l "West US"
- Select your deployment approach for template and parameter files: -e \
azuredeploy.parameters.json \
Local current dir for template & params file:
```azure group deployment create -g MY-VNET-RG1 -n MY-VNET-DEPLOYMENT -vv -f \
azuredeploy.json -e \
Troubleshoot a deployment:
azure group log show MY-VNET-RG --last-deployment
azure group log show MY-VNET-RG --json | jq -r ".[] | select(.status.value == "Failed") | .properties.statusMessage"
azure group log show MY-VNET-RG --json | jq '.[] | select(.status.value == "Failed")'
azure group deployment show --resource-group MY-VNET-RG --name MY-VNET-DEPLOYMENT