Reaper is a daemon that automatically deletes items in a Kubernetes namespace that has been running longer than a specified time.
- Reaper works through setting labels on namespaces.
- When a namespace is labelled with
, the reaper daemon will begin monitoring the objects in that namespace to check if their creation timestamp, is passed the allocated time interval. - Many configuration parameters can be overridden on a per namespace level.
- Currently requires featureGate RemoveSelfLink to be set to false as it relies on selflink to derive the object yaml for backups.
- Reaper is intended to be used on Kubernetes DEV clusters where the developers aren't using autoscaler-scale-to-zero or don't clean up after themselves.
- Reaper will only remove resource consuming objects.
- Reaper does not remove things like configMaps, secrets, or services (currently).
- Reaper currently only supports native resource types and hasn't been tested on CRDs.
NOTE: Make sure you're not using a snap
installed version of the below dependencies, or you'll likely run into permissions or missing file path issues.
- If you don't have the latest, or second latest, minor version of
installed, use - If you don't have
installed, use - Setup the environment for using Kubernetes via cli using an alias of
# add 'k' as an alias for 'kubectl'
alias k || echo "alias k=kubectl" >> ~/.bashrc && . ~/.bashrc
# prepare autocomplete for kubectl commands
kubectl completion bash > ~/.bashrc.kubectl
grep '^\. ~/\.bashrc\.kubectl$' ~/.bashrc || echo '. ~/.bashrc.kubectl' >> ~/.bashrc && . ~/.bashrc
# enable autocomplete for 'k' the alias for 'kubectl', if not already setup
grep "^complete -F __start_kubectl k$" ~/.bashrc || echo "complete -F __start_kubectl k" >> ~/.bashrc && . ~/.bashrc
- If you don't have
installed, use (kind later than 1.19 requires featureGates RemoveSelfLink set to false. Use this kind yaml)kind create cluster --config kind.yaml
kind: Cluster
"RemoveSelfLink": false
- If you don't have
installed, use:
curl -O
tar -zxvf helm-v3.7.0-linux-amd64.tar.gz
rm -rf helm-v3.7.0-linux-amd64.tar.gz
mkdir -p ~/bin
#mv linux-amd64/helm /usr/local/bin/helm
mv linux-amd64/helm ~/bin/
#chmod +x /usr/local/bin/helm
chmod +x ~/bin/helm
rm -rf linux-amd64
- Create a
# add ~/bin to your ~/.bashrc in the PATH environment variable
which kind || echo 'export PATH=$PATH:~/bin' >> ~/.bashrc && . ~/.bashrc
# create the new cluster in kind
kind create cluster
- Clone Reaper & Create Reaper Namespace in Kubernetes
git clone
cd reaper
k create namespace reaper
- Create Reaper Namespace
kubectl create namespace reaper
cd helm/reaper
helm --namespace reaper install reaper .
cd $baseDir
- Compile Reaper, Build Reaper Image, & Load in kubernetes
- Create Testing Namespaces to Monitor
You can run
it will do the same thing as these two commands
for i in `seq 1 9`; do
k create namespace test${i}
k label namespace test${i}
k annotate namespace test${i}${i}m
# cd to the repository root where test-sleep-deployment.yaml is, and then run this:
for i in `seq 1 9`; do
k --namespace="test${i}" create --filename="test-sleep-deployment.yaml"
- Watch the Reaper and Test Namespaces
watch -n 1 'kubectl get pods -A'
- What to watch for?
- ?