Wiring diagrams
This is an experimental package for creating wiring diagrams, inspired by https://arxiv.org/pdf/2101.12046.pdf
Diagrams can be composed of boxes with ports. Boxes can be chained or put in parallel.
Diagrams are abstract, and needs to go through a Layout before rendering to Svg.
Try out in Ellie:
module Main exposing (main)
import Cartesian as C exposing (before)
-- import modules for converting to svg and then to html
import Cartesian.Svg as Svg
import Diagram.Svg as Svg
-- Import some example diagrams
-- View source code:
-- https://github.com/jcberentsen/elm-wiring-diagrams/blob/main/src/Cartesian/Examples.elm
import Cartesian.Examples exposing (a,b,c)
svg = let diagram = a |> before b |> before c
in Svg.view Svg.smallViewport [ Svg.fromDiagram diagram ]
main = svg