This program is used to add CRUD functionality to a BE API application. This can be used to build a database that FE developers can use rather than hard coding their own data.
- Ruby version: ruby 3.2.2
We aimed to gain a deeper understanding of servers, SQL, ActiveRecord, and learning the back end properties of building an application.
- Expose an API
- Use serializers to format JSON responses
- Test API exposure
- Use SQL and AR to gather data
- Breaking down a problem into small steps
- Practice individual research (articles, videos, mentors)
- Fork and clone this repo in a new directory.
- Connect to an API platform (Postman or a similar platform).
- In your CLI run
rails db:{create,migrate,seed}
. - In your CLI run
rails server
. - In your API Platform of choice, connect to the server and interact with data with HTTP Methods to suite individual needs.
- For RSpec coverage run:
bundle exec rspec spec/requests
- For visualization of SimpleCov run:
open coverage/index.html
This project was completed by a pair of students at Turing School of Software and Design over the course of 4 days.