The pako javascript library offers an extensive set of compression and decompression features for javascript based on zlib.
However, the package is not web ready, and must be browserified, (or web-packed) in order to be used with any client-side browser library.
This package contains a pre-browserified version of the pako library wrapped in an angular 1.5 service.
bower install ngpako
angular.module('myModule', ['ngPako'])
,function(pako, $log) {
// Some data to compress using pako
var myString = "Compress me.";
// Compressing the data...
var compressed = pako.deflate(myString, {to: 'string'});
// Viewing the data with the console log.
$log.log('This is compressed binary data as a string: ', compressed);
All other pako methods are also exposed. This is as light a wrapper as it can be for pako.