Web App for Stock Quotes & Live News Stream; Building a Portfolio Using Python & Django
- This is my first big project to develop a full stack app on my own.
- It is a web application for stock market data. Users can get real-time stock data and market news via Alpha Vantage, IEX Cloud, and Stock News APIs.
- Creation of personal stock portfolios and a live streaming news feed are the first features.
- Adding charts visualization and implementing machine learning to analyze stocks will be the second goal, when I expand this app in the near future.
For a demo of the code and how the web app works, please see this screen recording: https://www.screencast.com/t/JoT9sT67h.
- Get your own Django secret key
- Create your own Django app
- Copy secret key
- Paste key into this project's secret key location at settings.py or in your own environment.
- API key is required if you want to use data from IEX cloud.
- Create free account at https://iexcloud.io/.
- Real-time data is free, however it is limited. You can use unlimited simulated data for free.
- API key is required to receive news (from news.html) via Stock News API.
- Start a free trial at https://stocknewsapi.com.
- Or uncomment the url in the "views.py" file for news "https://newsapi.org," and
- Create free account at https://newsapi.org.
- Use pipenv to install python dependencies for the backend.
- Run backend server with the following command:
- "python manage.py runserver"
- Django
- Django Rest Framework
- Back end language: Python (the version used here is Python 3.7.7)
- Bootstrap
- JavaScript