Fetch and display the parent of each item and also the remainings in Azure Devops Boards.
You can find it on the store here for easy install https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/parents-for-azure-devops/fbdbipdlfojffkpopckfpohmaiabglad
- In your board display settings, choose to display the ID of the work item on the card
- Use the new azure devops url pattern (eg. https://dev.azure.com/org/....)
- Clone/Download the repository
- Go to your chrome extensions page
- Activate developer mode
- Click load unpacked extension
- Select the folder of the project you've cloned
- Refresh the board page and click on the extension icon
- If anything goes wrong at any time or it doesn't work, please just refresh the page and re-click on the extension icon
- It is not all perfect, especially the way I retrigger rendering when devops rerender elements (which is ALL THE TIME ..) so if you see some issues and want to help, feel free to send pull requests
- Please feel free to also raise any issues and i'll try my best to fix them
- As much as possible if adding new feature, please create new background/inject scripts and include them in manifest