A collection and description of some of my work.
A program that enables the verification of reinforced concrete frame members to the serviceability limit states in Eurocode 2, through the assessment of the installed stresses, the crack width and the deflections.
XD-ConServ is written in C#, uses Winforms, and uses XML (through Serialization) to save files when requested by the user.
Official page: http://civilxd.web.ua.pt/XDconserv/default.html
A program that performs stability verification of web-tapered steel members by the use of the General Method present in part 1-1 of Eurocode 3.
GeM is written in VB.Net, uses WinForms, uses CSV to keep a database of profiles used by program, uses XML (through Serialization) to save files when requested by the user, and contains numerous custom controls.
A post-processor for the finite element code SAFIR®. This new version is based on the previous versions of Diamond. My work involved the addition of to the software.
Diamond is written in C#, uses WPF, uses the MVC architectural pattern, uses the NuGet packages Extended WPF Toolkit, Oxyplot and SharpAVI, and parses results written in XML files.
Technical info: http://www.uee.uliege.be/cms/c_2383458/en/safir
Purchase SAFIR: https://www.gesval.be/en/catalogue/safir-2016-commercial