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Vladimir edited this page Jun 14, 2021 · 5 revisions

This project uses Trello to manage development tasks:

Link to our board: OSBES Team


Trello is a simple board where you can create cards containing tasks. Cards can be moved between columns. Each column means specific stage of task. This tool helps to manage a work of a team of developers. Each developer choose which task to do and assign himself to one of the tasks (cards). It helps to prevent situations when two or more developers works on the same task and in the end we have to choose whose work should be saved.


Preparing tasks

This column is used for tasks which are in a stage of planning. Those tasks are not ready for development. This is a stage of thinking and describing the task. When task is fully described any developer can assign himself to this task if he understands what to do to complete the task. Any task can be moved to the next column (ready for development) if and only if it has a developer assigned.

Ready for development

This column contains tasks which are ready for development. These tasks are fully described. Developer understands what he should do to complete the task described in card in this column. But tasks in this column are not in development yet. Each developer can have 1 or 2 cards in this column. When developer is ready to start a work on the task he should move this card to the next column (in progress). Do not assign yourself to a card if you don't fully understand what you should do. Analyze a task described in the card before assign yourself to it!!!

In progress

This column contains tasks which are in a process of development. Each developer can have only 1 card in this column. When task is ready and fully functional and link to Pull Request is provided in the comments in this card it can be moved to the next column (code review)

Code review

This column contains tasks which are in a proccess of code review. Other developers are testing functionality presented in a pull request and checking a new code added during process of development. There is no limit of cards for each developer in this column. Any card from this column can be moved to the next (development branch) if and only if the pull request related to this card is merged into development branch

Development branch

This column contains task which are completely ready for mass testing.

Master branch

-- coming soon --

Tag colors meaning

  • red: critical bug. Highest priority. Should be resolved as fast as it possible

  • orange: not a critical bug. Medium priority. The faster it is resolved than better but no need to hurry.

  • yellow: blocker. This card blocks other cards. Medium priority. The faster it is resolved than better. Probably a reason to hurry because other tasks are blocked and cant be implemented.

  • green: normal. This card is not a bug or something and it does not blocks anything. Low priority. No need to hurry at all.