This project is for those who don't or forget to write there TimeSheet
To install all the required libraries
nvm install
nvm use
I have an yarn dev configured it will just open an browser session ans ask you to login.
You will need to configure the Chrome path yourself in the index.js
yarn dev
const optionDefinitions = [
{ name: "task", alias: "t", type: String },
{ name: "date", alias: "d", type: String },
{ name: "manhours", alias: "M", type: Number },
{ name: "module", alias: "m", type: String },
{ name: "subTask", alias: "s", type: String },
{ name: "crNo", alias: "c", type: String },
{ name: "file", alias: "f", type: String },
To run with an input file, use -f $PATH_TO_INPUT_FILE
These are the supported file types + example structure:
[ { "date": "02/03/2023", "manhours": 1, "module": "Not sure what is the value here", "task": "Whatever task it was", "subTask": "Your subtask", "crNo": "Your jira card number" } ]
- date: "02/03/2023" manhours: 1 module: Not sure what is the value here task: Whatever task it was subTask: Your subtask crNo: Your jira card number
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.