a script that parses professional events on Handshake and adds them to Google Calendar
You will need to install the selenium library for python
pip install selenium
Install GeckoDriver
brew install geckodriver
Or follow the directions for your OS
- set up your Google Calendar API Authentication (https://developers.google.com/calendar/quickstart/python)
- create a file named "gcal_variables.py"
- add your scope in gcal_variables.py
scopes = ["https://www.googleapis.com/auth/calendar"]
- add your calendar IDs in gcal_variable.py
cal_id = "<CALENDAR_ID>"
- change the "main" function in gcal.py to your own calendars
- change the "add_all_events" function in gcal_helper.py to your own calendars
- set your Handshake username and password as environment variables
and change gcal.py to use environment variables
set variables in gcal_variable.py
handshake_username = "<YOUR HANDSHAKE EMAIL>"
handshake_password = "<YOUR HANDSHAKE PASSWORD>"
or follow the instructions for your OS
To fetch events from Handshake
python gcal.py fetch
Then you can label the event categories in events.json
To add events to Google Calendar
python gcal.py add
To clear a calendar
python gcal.py clear <CALENDAR NAME>