The package deploys the Eclipse Mosquitto solution - an open-source and lightweight MQTT broker for IoT (Internet of Things) networks. It allows establishing a publish/subscribe messaging model for M2M (machine to machine) telemetry in low-bandwidth environments.
The current package is designed to set up the Eclipse Mosquitto MQTT server in one click. Upon its installation, a new environment with the following topology specifics is created:
- Contains a single Docker container based on the latest tag of the official eclipse-mosquitto image.
- The default vertical scaling limit for the Eclipse Mosquitto container is set to 8 dynamic cloudlets (up to 1 GiB of RAM and 3.2 GHz of CPU) and can be manually increased if needed.
- A dedicated endpoint is automatically attached to a broker node, making it possible to access it from anywhere over the Internet. A public IP address can be assigned after the installation for production usage.
To get your Eclipse Mosquitto MQTT broker solution, click the "Deploy to Cloud" button below, specify your email address within the widget, choose one of the Virtuozzo Public Cloud Providers, and confirm by clicking Install.
If you already have a Virtuozzo Application Platform (VAP) account, you can deploy this solution from the Marketplace or import a manifest file from this repository.
In the opened installation window at the VAP dashboard, provide a preferred environment and display names, choose a region (if available), and confirm the installation.
Your Eclipse Mosquitto application will be automatically installed in a few minutes.
Note: For security reasons, you must set up the preferred authentication method before clients can connect to the broker.
Refer to the Virtuozzo Eclipse Mosquitto documentation to learn more about the solution and its configuration.