Cordova / PhoneGap Plugin for Google Ads, including AdMob / DFP (doubleclick for publisher) and mediations to other Ad networks.
This Cordova / PhoneGap plugin enables displaying mobile Ads with single line of javascript code. Designed for the use in HTML5-based cross-platform hybrid games and other applications.
Ad Types:
- Banner
- Interstitial (text, picture, video)
- Reward Video
ionic cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-admobio
Show Mobile Ad with single line of javascript code.
Step 1: Create Ad Unit Id for your banner and interstitial, in AdMob portal, then write it in your javascript code.
// select the right Ad Id according to platform
var admobid = {};
if( /(android)/i.test(navigator.userAgent) ) { // for android & amazon-fireos
admobid = {
banner: 'ca-app-pub-xxx/xxx', // or DFP format "/6253334/dfp_example_ad"
interstitial: 'ca-app-pub-xxx/yyy'
} else if(/(ipod|iphone|ipad)/i.test(navigator.userAgent)) { // for ios
admobid = {
banner: 'ca-app-pub-xxx/zzz', // or DFP format "/6253334/dfp_example_ad"
interstitial: 'ca-app-pub-xxx/kkk'
} else { // for windows phone
admobid = {
banner: 'ca-app-pub-xxx/zzz', // or DFP format "/6253334/dfp_example_ad"
interstitial: 'ca-app-pub-xxx/kkk'
Step 2: Want cheap and basic banner? single line of javascript code.
// it will display smart banner at top center, using the default options
if(AdMob) AdMob.createBanner({
adId: admobid.banner,
autoShow: true });
Step 3: Want interstitial Ad to earn more money ? Easy, 2 lines of code.
// preppare and load ad resource in background, e.g. at begining of game level
if(AdMob) AdMob.prepareInterstitial( {adId:admobid.interstitial, autoShow:false} );
// show the interstitial later, e.g. at end of game level
if(AdMob) AdMob.showInterstitial();
Or, you can just copy this admob_simple.js to your project, change the ad unit id to your own, and simply reference it in your index.html, like this:
<script type="text/javascript" src="admob_simple.js"></script>
Remember to remove isTesting:true
if release for production.
// use banner
createBanner(adId/options, success, fail);
showBannerAtXY(x, y);
// use interstitial
prepareInterstitial(adId/options, success, fail);
isInterstitialReady(function(ready){ if(ready){ } });
// use reward video
prepareRewardVideoAd(adId/options, success, fail);
// set values for configuration and targeting
setOptions(options, success, fail);
// get user ad settings
getAdSettings(function(inf){ inf.adId; inf.adTrackingEnabled; }, fail);
// onAdLoaded
// onAdFailLoad
// onAdPresent
// onAdDismiss
// onAdLeaveApp
document.addEventListener('onAdFailLoad', function(e){
// handle the event
This project is created and maintained by Raymond Xie.
More Cordova/PhoneGap plugins by Raymond Xie, find them in plugin registry, or find them in npm.
Project outsourcing and consulting service is also available. Please contact us if you have the business needs.