This package supports Apollo Client 2.x. To use Apollo Client 1.x, check out on the version
A great alternative to this package is ddp-apollo
We are actively looking for a new maintainer: apollographql#109
Create an Apollo client and server quickly:
import { createApolloClient } from 'meteor/apollo';
const client = createApolloClient();
import { createApolloServer } from 'meteor/apollo';
const schema = /* your schema instance */
createApolloServer({ schema });
meteor add apollo
yarn add apollo-client apollo-link apollo-link-http apollo-cache-inmemory apollo-server-express express graphql graphql-tools body-parser
Read the docs
git clone
cd meteor-integration
npm install
npm run test
open http://localhost:3000
Ignore the npm peer requirements warning that appears on client and server consoles.