A Next.js, crowdfunding app built over the Ethereum blockchain to safely collect funds for campaigns and prevent fraudulent Vendor spends.
The following app has been built to test and thus is currently tied to the Rinkeby Testnet using an Infura node. ( The node link has been provided and made public. You don't necessarily have to set up a new one )
- You would need nodejs and Metamask to proceed with the app
- Run
npm i
- Run
npm run dev
from the root directory (A public metamask test account mnemonic has been used for your conveneience. View key in config.js)
- Swap the metamask mnemonic in config.js with your personal mnemonic.
- cd ethereum/
- Run
node compile.js
- Run
node deploy.js
- Use the address logged in the console from the above step and replace the address assigned in factoryCampaign.js
- cd to root directory
- Run
npm run dev