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Angular Ionic mobile application

Angular Ionic mobile application with REST API and observables to get information from the Github API.
This project is just for my portfolio and also still in progress.


Quick start

First clone this repo: git clone
Change directory to this project
Run npm install -g cordova ionic to install the CLI globally.
Run npm install to install all the dependencies.
Run ionic serve or ionic serve -l to run this project.
Navigate to http://localhost:8100/. The app will automatically reload/build if you change any of the source files.

The build can be found in the www folder.

Including in this project:

  • Angular 4
  • Ionic 3
  • Home page
  • Users page
  • Repos page
  • Organisations page
  • Events page
  • Contact page
  • Slider
  • Form
  • Sidenav