Provide a container for running CircleCI jobs.
The Dockerfile builds a container based on CircleCI's cimg/rust which contains the latest (in the available image) rust compiler.
To this we add:
- rust stable, beta, and nightly compilers
- rust minimum compiler as specified by MIN_RUST_VERSION
- cargo release & nextsv binaries used in our CircleCI configs
The Makefile builds, tags and publishes the container image to the container repository. The image is tagged with the MIN_RUST_VERSION requested.
Use make to build and publish an image to the repo.
MIN_RUST_VERSION=1.49.0 make publish-tag
If the MIN_RUST_VERSION is not specified the default is 1.56.0.
Specify the repo, image and tag for the required minimum rust version at the top of the CircleCI config.
version: 2.1
- image: cimg/rust:1.62