Code for generating Mandelbrot Sets, Julia Sets and tweeting them.
To simply make an Julia Set, compile Julia.c and run “a.out c_real c_imaginary”.
To tweet a Julia set image, make sure that and are in the same folder. Make a Twitter Application and edit the required fields in to link it to your account. Then run Requires PILLOW, tweepy.
With help from majaha.
To tweet a random julia set, you need to first make an account with and get your API keys. Then, put them into a file (say keys
) with the following four lines:
Then call
with this as an argument.
python3 keys
This will make and tweet the generated Julia image.
This project is packaged as a nix flake. If you use flakes, you can do the following:
nix run github:jeslie0/julia-mandel#juliac <z_real> <z_im> # Generates the julia set for the given complex number
nix run github:jeslie0/julia-mandel#tweet <key_file> # Generates and tweets a Julia Set