Just some scripts to wrangle GBIF datasets for fun and entertainment :)
These are some scripts in R and Julia that I'm playing around with to manipulate datasets that can be downloaded from https://www.gbif.org/ For example, this one: https://www.gbif.org/occurrence/download/0253699-200613084148143
Because the initial dataset is large, I do some of the initial data processing in Julia https://julialang.org/ using packages like DataFrames and CSV
Some of the julia data processing output for the big mollusc dataset can be downloaded here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/19ZfhqET304GwaixaTZwq9uKlXCY1khnR?usp=sharing
Then I switch over to R for visualization and some ecological statistics (e.g., from the vegan and iNEXT libraries).
Some of these analyses are related to exercises I have over here: https://gitlab.com/jessecm/species-diversity-playground/-/tree/master