Python/PySide6 bindings to the Qt Advanced Docking System library.
Pre-built wheels are available for Windows, macOS, and Linux. You can install with:
pip install PySide6-QtAds
You may also build from source. Example build from source on Ubuntu 22.04:
# Install Qt (for example, using aqtinstall)
pip install aqtinstall
aqt install-qt linux desktop 6.7.1 --outputdir qt
# Build PySide6-QtAds
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$PWD/qt/6.7.1/gcc_64/lib \
CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=$PWD/qt/6.7.1/gcc_64/lib/cmake/ \
pip install -v .
Note: shiboken6-generator
is required when building from source. It will be downloaded automatically in the command above from Qt's package index, as it is not available on PyPI.
- Original PySide6 binding work by CJ Niemira via
- With bindings.xml improvements via