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Upgrade Steps for Makerbot Replicator 2

Bryant Eadon edited this page May 7, 2023 · 1 revision

Upgrade Steps for MakerBot Replicator 2

The firmware update process is really simple, get the Replicator G 40r34 from the Sailfish post on Thingiverse.

Follow these steps --

Connect to the printer with USB run Replicator G set printer type and com port connect and go to onboard preferences and get your offsets all written down then disconnect printer type and port should still be set then select update firmware.

Make sure to select Replicator 2 or 2x version 1.7, make sure its not the 2560 version unless your board was upgraded to a AT2560 processor.

Then just let it update the firmware. After thats done connect to it with RepG and go to onboard preferences and reset your home and extruder offsets.

After that your are ready to run.

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