Hey!:alien:⚡ I'm Jorge, usually people call me Yorch. I love using Python and R to squeeze as much juice out of data, detect patterns and do predictive analysis. 💬
- Python 🐍 / R / SQL / Spark
- Python libraries: Pandas, Numpy, Folium (Maps), Scikit-learn, OpenCV
- Big Data: Hadoop, Spark
- Databases: MySQL, MongoDB
- Data Mining: Web scraping (Beautiful Soup, Selenium), Twitter API, Google Maps APIs
- Machine Learning: Linear & Logistic Regression, Decision Trees, Random Forest, K-Means, HCA Clustering, SVM, Naïve Bayes, Boosting
- Deep Learning: TensorFlow, Keras, Neural Networks, CNN and RNN
- Google Cloud Platform, AWS
- Data Visualization: GGPlot2, Plotly, Matplotlib, Seaborn
- Power BI, Tableau
- My brain to think about problems deeply 🐵
- A positive mindset 😄
- Hunger and tons of work 🍴🍝